Sunday, May 12, 2024


Keep hearing from the pro-Hamas crowd that Israel's response to the massacre of 7 October 2023 is "disproportionate." 


As even the pro-Hamas BBC now has acknowledged, the casualty numbers coming out of Gaza at least double the real numbers. In other words, they're false, and BBC has used them. This comes from relying, as does the UN and media outlets, upon the "Gaza Ministry of Health," i.e., a paper-thin cover for Hamas. We also read all sorts of numbers put out by the professional liars (Taqiyya masters) on X/Twitter: blatantly false, "supported" by poorly made Pallywood productions full of fake blood, "doctors" running in circles, wailing and gnashing on cue from cameramen, etc. All fake. 

It also seems, as I have noted before, that Israel's bombs kill only children, women, and world-famous journalists, professors, poets, and surgeons, and demolish world-beating schools, universities and hospitals. An amazing open-air prison, Gaza. So many Nobel prizes . . . 

Ok, forget about the fake Hamas casualty numbers. Let's focus, instead, on "proportionate." On another 7th, this one in December 1941, the Empire of Japan attacked the US naval base at Pearl Harbor, killing about 2100 Americans. Once we got our act together, we proceeded to kill some two million Japanese, perhaps more, in response. Proportionate? Who cares? We reduced Japan's cities to dust, cut off their food and oil supplies, and demolished their empire, navy, army, and air force. We dropped two atomic bombs on them when they still refused to surrender, and then occupied Japan for years after. Proportionate? I think so. 

Oh, and by the way, the British and we also reduced German cities to rubble, making them look even worse than today's Democrat-run Detroit and San Francisco--and I haven't mentioned what the Soviets did to Germany. MANY, MANY more Germans were killed by Allied bombing of Germany than Brits were by the Nazi bombing of the UK. Proportionate? Who cares? "Bomber" Harris, Hero of Humanity as far as I am concerned. We also occupied Germany and split it. Millions of Germans died in a war their leaders started. 

Oh, and another by the way, Germany never bombed the USA. Their leaders gratuitously declared war on the USA, and, well, as the saying goes, FAFO. Consequences, consequences, consequences. 

The only way to have at least a semblance of peace is for the IDF to destroy Hamas, totally and completely, and put the word out to Hizbullah and the rest of the Muslim Murder Machine, that they can see their future in what's happened to Hamas. Long live Israel. The West needs more "proportionate" responses.


  1. AMEN! Great to have you back

  2. Bad countries need to be taught not to do evil things

    1. Really the country is Iran and they've been taught a few lessons this time around as well. In this case, the closest you have to a country is Gaza and that is where they are concentrating their efforts.

  3. Brilliant. Couldn't agree more.

  4. My fear is that all this insane hate will tear our nation apart. Biden wants to import these killers who chant Death to America.

    1. "...fear...all this insane hate will tear our nation apart."

      So far, it appears that the 'insane haters' & dumbass Democraps, etc. etc. seem to be shoot'n themselves
      in both feet_ _must be the latest 'secret shithead'
      muslamic weaponry scheme, to destroy Israel and
      the USA, before Trump get's his 2nd MAGA Term
      to finish kick'n ass, and flush'n~~~
      out our National Toilet~~~
      All together now,
      a,1 and a, 2~~~

      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

    2. already done.. dearborn michigan.. now home to 'death to america' chants... because this country is run by the Suicidic Party.

  5. The other fakery going around now: "The main United Nations organization serving gaza." is the new-speak for UNRWA... which has been well documented as an arm of HAMAS. NYT, Guardian, WAPO all referring to UNRWA via that phrase to prevent people from recognizing that they're citing information directly from a party to the conflict, namely, HAMAS.

    - reader #1482

    - reader #1482

  6. yeah... I mean.. 'proportion' has a strict mathematical standard with the assumption of linearity.... and presuming so... what is the proportion? Is it 5x acceptable? 10x?
    What the democrats are doing here, is infantilizing HAMAS. They are actually strongly disrespecting the people who live in Gaza. "They might have attacked you and killed a bunch of people you care about, but really, they're harmless in comparison. Yes, they call for your destruction and will commit atrocities against your people if given the chance, but they're just tantruming."

    That's effectively what they're saying. Because otherwise, they have to acknowledge HAMAS as an enemy of civilization like Hitler's germany.

    As far as I know, Israel did not meaningfully participate in the US wars in Afghanistan or Iraq. They've steadfastly shared technology and other resources with the US and were never asked to participate. But being that there hasn't been a case where Israel came to the aid of the US, I'm ok with the US NOT committing its military to defeating HAMAS in Gaza.
    If Israel had sent troops to Afghanistan or Iraq, we would be morally responsible for intervening directly.

    - reader #1482

    1. I don't think Israel needs anyone else to help th em get rid of Hamas.
      They simply need us to get out of the way.

    2. I don't think they do either, but I think it sucks that we weren't helping on the ground from the get go... but my point is that the US-Israel relationship is not one of joint-battlefield operations... when it probably should be. Digging out HAMAS is in the best interest of the whole world.

      - reader #1482

    3. I think from memory that Israel was asked NOT to participate in the Afghan and Iraq wars as their presence would have stirred up the entire Islamic countries especially the Saudis and Iran against them. But as they are our enemies anyway...

    4. Affirm #1482~~~
      "Digging out" and
      Burning the Roots...
      " Let's Roll"

    5. yeah... if anything... dealing with the crazies in afghanistan was preferable to dealing with them in israel... or the US.

      - reader #1482

  7. From the dawn, until the night, Gaza will be trinitite. Not really on the agenda for practical reasons of course. Maybe bolides would be more feasible? Make Gaza Thor?

  8. Hear, hear!! I am also thinking of the long running Sri Lankan civil war when their government finally ended it in a short and brutal campaign that killed approx 250,000 and ended the Tamil Tigers. Which led to a peaceful (if repressive) existence for the population. Personally I'd rather live in that than in a civil war.
    Was Abraham Lincoln overreacting when he took on the Confederacy? All they'd done at that point was shell Fort Sumter.
    So I am standing with Israel. The only way is to destroy Hamas - and Hezbollah and make the Mohammedans (they hate being called that) realize that the cost of attack is too much. And we in the failing West need to wake up and remove these people back to their own part of the world. By force if they won't leave voluntarily. Rant over.

  9. The people using ‘proportionate’ as a club to beat Israel miss the point that the word has a legal definition. Israel gets to attack military targets, even when they are under hospitals and mosques and apartment buildings. Proportionality is about weighing the benefit Israel gets from destroying an arms cache against the harm to people living in the apartment on top of the cache. How many civilians at how much risk is a consideration in how the arms cache should be attacked, not whether it should be attacked.

  10. Proportionality is:

    Harm and kill Jews, and the Jews will harm and kill you back.

    It's quite simple.

  11. The doctrine of proportionality is simply stated that the means of conducting the war must be proportionate to the goal for which the war is waged. Another way of looking at it is that while the just ends desired do not justify any means to attain them, they absolutely require some means, for it violates Just War Theory to wage war futilely, even for just causes.

    That is, proportionality *mandates* lethal violence against the enemy, in fact, all the violence necessary to achieve the just objectives of the war. As I explained only a week after Hamas's butchery last October my own blog ("War and the reshaping of societies"),
    As for Israel, its leadership at least knows that Hamas must be ended and no Hamas-by-another-name can be allowed. There is no answer to how long it will take to destroy Hamas or how many casualties it will cost. So Israel must proceed, though it is doing so as Otto von Bismarck reportedly said about going to war, "entering a dark room blindfolded to search for a black cat that is not even there."

    Gaza's residents, whether they know it now or not, must decide in whose hands they literally trust their lives and the lives of their children. Hamas is quite willing to sacrifice them. But they may come to realize that while Israel will not target them, neither will Israel refrain from attacking if Hamas militarizes their refuges. An international standard called Common Article 3 governs combat between state and non-state combatants. Its states that civilians' presence at a location does not automatically make that location off limits from attack.

  12. If they really want "proportionate" Israel could take out ten or twelve civilians for every combatant, like how Hamass did on 10/7. Instead, Israel remains constrained and has a roughly 1:1 ratio.

  13. Readers may also be interested in a post I did on this matter last October, Bombing your way to proportionality where I looked at the historic case of the arguments made by SS-Gruppenführer Otto Ohlendorf, the commander of Einsatzgruppe D.

    Also the arguments made in the House of Lords by a KC (Kings Counsel) about the legal definition of proportionality.

    Basically it's a lot different from the public common-wisdom understanding of tit-for-tat that the Hamas propagandists and their Western allies rely upon.

  14. I recall that Gaza danced in the streets and handed out sweets on 9/11/01. Now, Brandon wants to bring a few thousand of them into the USA. A major issue in the USA is that we have one major party that is hell-bent on committing national suicide.


    1. Jeehosaphats Kepha,
      where you been Bro~~~
      Riding 'Double Barrel' wit Dip!?
      S'pect the Right side of our Party,
      may be ready to begin the return of
      Invasive 'deadwood', back to where
      the hell it came from~!~head em' up
      and move em' out of our Constitutional
      USA asap! I do so Declare~~~
      On Watch~~~
      Best Regards
      to your Mrs.
      and students~~~

      "Let's Roll"

  15. Reposted from Twtter:

    This whole "disproportionate" thing comes from ignorance, on the part of the great unwashed, springing from and fed by willful deception on the part of people who will gladly compromise their already threadbare integrity in any way they think might harm the west.

    Rather than there being, as they sometimes suggest and sometimes insist upon, any need to restrict the violence used in war to something proportional to the violence your enemy has inflicted on you, not one syllable of the law of war/law of armed conflict says anything of the kind. Rather, where the word proportional comes up, it is a requirement to do your best to ensure that the harm done (edit: if harm there must be) to civilians in roughly proportional to the military advantage you seek to gain. And that is all it means.

  16. I also don't get why the US is letting Putin, Xi, and khamenei dictate the pace of escalation. The US should have already resumed nuclear testing. The CTBT was never ratified by congress, so Biden can resume nuclear testing with one command. We need to know that our nuclear deterrent still works. Maybe we didn't need to know that in 2004, but in 2024, we do.

    - reader #1482

  17. ICJ - Israel, you must withdraw and stop attacking Gaza and its surrounds.

    Israel - HAMAS *just* launched a missile barrage targeting Tel Aviv from Rafah.

    ICJ - Then you'd better start working on caskets for jews, we might have some leftover from the holocaust squirreled away in the Hague.

    But this has been the ongoing conflict with US democrats and the UN on one side and Israel on the other, the insistence that in the face of attacks by hamas, the democrats/UN are telling Israel that it should hold still, because anything Israel does messes up HAMAS' aim.
    It is absolutely insane that Israel has been forced to sit there for decades allowing Iran/HAMAS to launch rocket barrages at them without serious efforts at containing/curtailing/eliminating the attacks.

    The entire region needs to be unearthed and the last dregs of HAMAS pulled out and dealt with.

    - reader #1482

    1. Roger That #14 n' 82~~~
      Fluck the festering UN &
      and the Shit they Spew.
      Now apparently busy
      stirring the toilet for
      their stink-up prep
      for World War 3!!!
      On Watch
      "Let's Roll"

      UN’s top court orders Israel to ‘immediately’ halt its...-CNN

      Israel’s Deputy Attorney General for International Law Gilad Noam denied the allegations in his opening remarks at the ICJ last week and asked the court to “respect the predicament” Israel ...
