Friday, May 3, 2024

Elections, Part 2

On March 30, I posted some thoughts on the forthcoming national elections in the USA. I made clear that under no circumstance would I, nor could I vote for Joe Biden who, among other things, is a habitual liar, fantasist, plagiarist, bully, borderline pedo (e.g., showers with his teen daughter), racist, big time crook receiving millions of dollars from foreign companies and governments, long-time lobbyist for the Delaware LLC and credit card businesses, thief of national security documents for some fifty years, participant--along with Obama, Clinton, the FBI and the CIA-- in an attempted coup against Trump, participant in the fraud that tilted the 2020 elections, verging on senility/dementia, and has haters of the USA and the West run "his" domestic and foreign policies. Catastrophe at home and abroad has resulted. My fiercest critic, my wife, read my post and said, "Well, you made a good case for not voting FOR Biden, how about why to vote for Trump?" She's got a point. I am voting for Trump, as I did twice before, for the simple reason that Trump understands America and its people in a way that no other president or candidate has in my lifetime.

He understands the corruption in the media, judicial system, and bureaucracy, and is suffering personal harm because of it. He understands that we cannot continue to hollow out our industrial base, and hope to remain a world power and a source of creativity and prosperity. We have to make things, such as cars, medicines, and the other billion widgets that come out of a genuinely industrial country, not just buy them from China and Vietnam. He understands that our once world-beating colleges and universities are now steaming heaps of woke ideological garbage, producing millions of self-entitled, credentialed morons, who want you to pay for their "education," and couldn't change a tire if their lives depended on it. He understands what insane environmental policies and the open border mean to our independence, safety, national culture and cohesiveness. I hear a lot of blather about how crude and divisive Trump is; that's nonsense. Obama, Clinton, and Biden not only attack Trump but attack his supporters: "Cling to guns and rifles," "Deplorables," "Cultists and insurrectionists," "White supremacists," etc. Trump doesn't do that.

He asks us all, regardless of race or religion, to make America great again, in other words to live up to our lofty aspirations. That's why I not only will vote against Biden but for Trump.


  1. Plain common sense. Bravo!

  2. I shall vote for Mr. Trump again, for the reasons you state. It's our national survival that is at stake.

  3. Joseph Marionette Biden Jr. is a disgrace. There really is little need to justify voting for whoever has the best chance of beating him.

    I expect that Trump will win the election but Biden will win the count.

    1. I was thinking Joseph Raisinette Biden Jr but I like Marionette a lot better. Thanks.
      ~ Doctor Weasel

  4. First off I am voting for Trump. There Is No Alternative (TINA). Kennedy, while he may be part of the solution, has too many issues I can't support (Abortion, anti-nuclear power, "environmentalism", etc.). However, the fact that we're in a TINA situation is a big problem that sits at the feet of Trump. He was hamstrung during his first term by not having a cadre of reliable people around him. Given he's now had 8 years, he should have a shadow cabinet around him acting as surrogates, speaking for him, pushing policy, etc. He doesn't. Given what happened his first term, in his shoes I'd have made certain I had somebody in in the House positioned to take the Speakership who wouldn't take a potty break without asking permission first. No, that wouldn't be good for the country, but in Trump's shoes I would consider it a prerequisite. He hasn't done this. And the rumors I keep hearing about some of his campaign staff are not promising. Finally, Trump only has one more term. What happens after? What is the path for a successor and where is the infrastructure to sustain the movement. It's not there.

    Short form, while Trump must be elected, we need clear eyes that he is not enough by himself and we need to look beyond him for the good of the country.

    1. I completely agree. Unhappily, should Trump win, there will be no other altrnative than to do a thorough housecleaning of our Justice Department, intelligence agency, and the military brass. But there will be few to replace them who "know the ropes".


  5. I agree and will be voting for Trump. I've never liked Biden and Harris is a bigger joke than he is.

    Have a fabulous weekend. ☺

  6. Good description of Biden, but can you tell us one more time, only this time don't hold back :-)

  7. How about I want Trump to start cleaning out government. Most joined or assisted the 2020 Coup d'etat.

  8. Trump does not telegraph weakness to America's enemies, where proclaiming American weakness was built into both Obama's and Biden's campaign election platforms. As a result, the Russia-China-Iran axis has been emboldened. US foreign policy posture has lost its deterrent value, thus, Iran feels free to send attacks directly against Israel.

    - reader #1482

  9. I'm pretty sure that *some* meeting at one of these disastrous university attacks involved federal funding of research and was canceled to due the protest-riots.... as a result, I'm not sure why the DOJ isn't investigating these 'protesters' for 'obstructing an official proceeding.'
    Maybe some violators who espouse particular political positions are 'de-prioritized for enforcement'?

    - reader #1482

  10. I’ve commented on here for many years now. I need to talk to someone familiar the state department. I’ve a friend from South Africa that’s having travel visa issues. My # 843 6939188.

    1. It's been awhile since I was in the visa business, but this link may be of some help in understanding what is the issue preventing your friend from getting the visa.

  11. Oy Vey!
    "Let's Roll"

    Visa Denials
    U.S. law generally requires visa applicants to be interviewed by a consular officer at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate. After relevant information is reviewed, the application is approved or denied, based on standards established in U.S. law.

    While the vast majority of visa applications are approved, U.S. law sets out many standards under which a visa application may be denied. An application may be denied because the consular officer does not have all of the information required to determine if the applicant is eligible to receive a visa, because the applicant does not qualify for the visa category for which he or she applied, or because the information reviewed indicates the applicant falls within the scope of one of the inadmissibility or ineligibility grounds of the law. An applicant’s current and/or past actions, such as drug or criminal activities, as examples, may make the applicant ineligible for a visa.

    If denied a visa, in most cases the applicant is notified of the section of law which applies. Visa applicants are also advised by the consular officer if they may apply for a waiver of their ineligibility. Several of the most common reasons for visa ineligibilities are explained below. For more information, review the visa ineligibilities in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

    How does a visa applicant qualify for a visa?
    What does being found ineligible mean?
    If a consular officer finds you are not eligible to receive a visa under U.S. law, your visa application will be denied (refused), and you will be provided a reason for the denial. There are many reasons a visa applicant could be found ineligible for a visa. These reasons, called ineligibilities, are listed in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) and other immigration laws. Some ineligibilities can be overcome, either by you, the visa applicant, or the U.S. petitioner, in certain immigrant visa cases. Other ineligibilities are permanent. This means that every time you apply for a visa, you will be found ineligible under the same section of law, unless a waiver of that ineligibility is authorized by the Department of Homeland Security. Learn about waivers of ineligibility.

    Here are some examples of visa ineligibilities, with INA references, which are explained further below.

    The visa applicant:

    Did not fully complete the visa application and/or provide all required supporting documentation - INA section 221(g)
    Did not establish eligibility for the visa category being applied for or overcome the presumption of being an intending immigrant - INA section 214(b)
    Was convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude - INA section 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(I)
    Was convicted of a drug violation - INA section 212(a)(2)(A)(i)(II)
    Has two or more criminal convictions for which the total sentence of confinement was 5 years or more - INA section 212(a)(2)(B)
    Did not provide an adequate affidavit of support when one was required; therefore denied under public charge - INA section 212(a)(4)
    Misrepresented a material fact or committed fraud to attempt to receive a visa – INA section 212(a)(6)(C)(i)
    Previously remained longer than authorized in the United States - INA section 212(a)(9)(B)(i)
    For a complete list of all visa ineligibilities contained in the Immigration and Nationality Act, see Ineligibilities and Waivers: Laws.
