Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The National Socialist Democratic Party: It Is As It Was

The media and the expert "pontificates" are all abuzz about "violence" at Trump rallies. The Democratic candidates, of course, have blamed Donald Trump's "heated" rhetoric for the "violence"; GOP candidates Rubio and Cruz have been not far behind with the same line of reasoning.

Total rubbish.

Violence at a Trump rally, oh, I see. In fact, I don't. It seems that in our Brave New World words and actions are the same; "micro aggressions" can lead to pajama boy hysteria and fisticuffs; and, of course, we are allowed, when politically correct and convenient, to blame the victim. Gotta keep up, folks, gotta keep up. It seems it's ok to blame Trump for "violence" at his rallies because of his provocative stance on an issue of great concern to the progressive pajamistas, e.g. illegal aliens. Wonder if that would work if we were to blame a rape victim for getting raped because of her "provocations"? That only works if the rapists are Muslim "refugees," I guess.

You can like Trump, you can hate him, you can feel indifferent about him. I don't care. You can consider him a blowhard, a conman, a fraud, or a savior. Again, I don't care; you have a right to your opinion and to express it. Ain't that what America is all about? Correction: Ain't that what America is supposed to be about? That's what I learned. I guess I am getting old.

Is anybody out there surprised? We, after all, are dealing with the Democratic party, the party of genocide (Andrew Jackson, anybody?), slavery, secession, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynch mobs (here and here), Palmer raids, internment camps, fraudulent voting, and speech-silencing codes. They are as they always have been.

There was not a riot at a Trump rally in Chicago; there was a riot aimed against a Trump rally. The lynch mob mentality remains alive and well among the Democratic leadership and their leftist enablers.


  1. For the record, I do not like Trump.

    But, if Trump was inciting violence, his supporters would be going to his opponent's rallies, and causing problems there.


    1. Jose, it's unfair to use reason against liberal "arguments". They have no way to respond.

  2. I worry that the violence will come to a truly critical point, allowing "some" to finally end the Constitutional process. IYKWIM.
    On the other hand, per your previous post: You are NOT allowed to take tome off, "in these troubled times, when you can't tell the AC's from the DC's."

  3. The "sucker punch" incident at the Trump rally that has the media all excited was a 78 year old guy who was being given the finger by the protestor.

    "Police arrested and charged 78-year-old John McGraw with assaulting protester Rakeem Jones. McGraw was videotaped hitting Jones in the face as Jones was being ejected from the rally by authorities.

  4. If Trump were one-eighth the "fascist" the Left charges him with being, there'd be a lot of anti-Trump blood in the streets of Chicago by now. Trump, after all, would've hired his own goons.

    Further, I support Cruz for now; and should it be Trump v. Shroooooo, my state is so deep indigo I'll probably vote for a the Libertarian or Constitution Party candidate or write-in. Still, I think it was highly irresponsible for Trump's GOP opponents to blame him for the violence.

  5. An Excerpt from my blog.
    "The news fabrication pukes blame the riots on Donald Trump, in the same vein that muslims blame the woman for her own rape." Great minds often think alike.

  6. I don't know what to make of Trump. I think he is a con man. But... if you are going to deny Mom and Dad of peaceful assembly, they will fight back. I'm not sure these little pukes know who they are tangling with.

    1. This is the issue.
      It's not about what Trump says or doesn't say.
      It's about who infiltrates events looking to prevent the exercise of the first amendment freedom of peaceful assembly.
      HOW THE HECK did the conversation get to be about what Trump says? That has NOTHING to do with the issue at hand here.

      - reader #1482

  7. ..."That's what I learned. I guess I am getting old."...
    Yeah sure! that's what all you Ol'timers in Cowboy hats and Turbans say! Then POW, right in the glass jaw! ;]

    "Let's Roll"

  8. "can lead to pajama boy hysteria and fisticuffs"

    How about: "can lead to pajama boy hysteria and wristicuffs" because there's no way that limp-wristed cocoa drinking failure in a onesie even knows what a fist is.


    1. I amused myself and perhaps one or two unusually perceptive/imaginative readers by putting Pajama Boy into one of my books as a character ... I often do this with people who have annoyed me in some fashion or other ...

      "...the friend was a dapper young gentleman a little younger than himself, who spoke in a soft drawl which Jim particularly associated with those natives of Louisiana or Alabama. He had dark eyes, and darker eyebrows and hair, which contrasted oddly with the pallor of his skin. He appeared as if his natural milieu were to be sitting on a fine upholstered chair with a cup of hot cocoa in his hand. “Mr. Landry – Ethan is your first name, isn’t it? Our host told me that you were in need of legal advice.”
      “That is so,” Mr. Landry answered. He seemed nervous, as he joined Jim and Clay in the corner of the parlor. At their backs, heavier rain struck against the outside of the French door, sounding as if someone were throwing handfuls of pebbles at the side of the house. Ethan Landry’s eyes darted here and there, as if fearful of something. “I… that is, I was told you could draft me a power of attorney regarding the sale of some property. I am in most urgent need of funds…”

      Yep - had fun with it. Do not attract the attention of an author - you might be in their next book ...

    2. Elmore Leonard auctioned the right to have your name used in one of his books. There were quite a few competitors.

    3. "Wristicuffs", now that was fun, and educational!
      Invited my resident millennial scholar over here to the world of DiploMadic discourses! Thought she would be entertained by, if not learn from Celia Hayes third-person narrative/description of 'Mr. Landry' aka "Pajama Boy".

      We both enjoyed the clarity of the author's shared passage... and had a good laugh about the hapless character. I was surprised however that my millennial girl, was unaware of the enculturation of Obama's Pajama Boy.

      Of course that void in her political education necessitated a quick youtube trip back to Morning Joe and Rushbo's hysterical commentaries on the subject! Do so enjoy these Back to the future Father-Daughter moments, yea it's Spring Break!
      ~~~On Watch

      P.S. we were also able to take a peak at Wiki for a primer on Elmore Leonard... my takeaway was his scold about Hemmingway's lack of humor... she thought his "mastery of free indirect discourse" required a read of at least one of his novels. She also appreciated Elmore Leonard's most important Rule for Writers: "If it sounds like writing, I rewrite it". . .

      "Let's Roll"

    4. Btw, Happy St. Paddy's Day!

    5. A writer friend, Bruce Bretthauer, now sadly deceased (look up his books at Amazon) worked at an insurance company as a computer printing specialist. He was fired by an idiotic manager (who was fired six weeks later, partly for dumping him). He wrote her into one of his stories, in which she had a gruesome fate in ancient Alexandria.

  9. The difference between Trump and other politicians in this race.
    Trump is a fungus. You can scratch it, but it only grows bigger and more itchy.
    Other politicians are like scabies. If you scratch enough they'll just go away.
    Never had scabies.. thankfully.

    - reader #1482

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Well Yes. Mom and Dad were wet upon by mobs while they standed there in their polyester suits and wanted to hear what Donald Trump had to say.
    This must not hold! Middle class Americans must not be given the right to express their opinions!
    What would become of our political class if that were actually to take place? Hey Mitch McConnell, watch it!
