Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The European Elections: A Slight Shift to the Slight Right

It's a rainy day in San Sebastian, Spain. I am sitting in my apartment there, having peeled off layers of soaked clothing, I turn to the results of the just-held elections for the European Parliament. 

Reading the leftist press, and most press and TV in Spain (and France) is of the MSNBC leftist variety, you would think the Nazi panzers are rolling through the streets. The hysteria is quite remarkable and reminiscent of the left's reaction in the US to Trump's 2016 electoral victory. Postings on X are quite vehement in decrying the victory of the "Nazis and Fascists." I read of violence in some parts of Europe where bands of lefties attack people and institutions considered "right." Sob stories echo throughout the media from "immigrants" decrying the imminent arrival of trucks and trains to send them off to camps and deportation. God forbid that those wanting to live under sharia, should have to live under sharia. 

As usual, the left's minions need to switch to decaf. 

Yes, there has been a welcome shift to the right in Europe. With a couple of exceptions, e.g., France where Macron has dissolved the French parliament and called for snap elections, hardly earth-shaking. The left/center-left continues to hold a sizable mass of seats with which to block the right/center-right and prevent a serious correction to the disastrous voyage on which Europe has embarked. As mentioned above, the left continue to hold the media, and, of course, the entrenched large and very deep state. 

Parliamentary politics has a great failing: the need, very often, to form coalitions to govern. That means, often, a particular party's voters feel betrayed when their party make compromises to get into a coalition. It's prime operating theater for RINOs and their European equivalents. 

I remain pessimistic about the future of the West. Yes, there are some bright spots, e.g., Netherlands, Hungary, but overwhelmingly the left holds a grip on the future, and it's a dark future. I fear for the world of my grandkids.


Friday, June 7, 2024

"Decency and Democracy on the Ballot"? Yes, but Not How the Dems Want You to Think.

I am sure you've noticed that the DNC talking point flooding the social media platforms is some nonsense about "democracy and "decency" being on the ballot this November.

OK. That's fine, except for one little inconvenient truth: the man they promote as the savior of democracy and as a paragon of decency, Joe Biden, is neither. The Biden regime exhibits classic fascist/communist traits: The use of censorship to silence debate; the use of the powers of the state to imprison and impoverish opponents on bogus charges pursued through compliant prosecutors and judges; attempts to remove opponents from the ballot; consistent efforts to disarm the populace; flooding the country with illegal "migrants" to pervert the census and the voting system; and on and on.

It is the Biden regime, nominally headed by a zombie-like "president," that presents a clear and present danger to democracy. The "decency" label does not belong to the Bidenistas, either.

Biden is clearly, at best, a gaga borderline pedophile who showered with his teenaged daughter; stole for financial gain thousands of classified documents since at least 1974; participated in his crackhead son's money laundering and bribery schemes, all the while unleashing "intelligence" officials to label such evidence as "Russian disinformation." He is a serial liar and a plagiarist.

Biden is not decent; he is corrupt and has produced corrupt policies everywhere he turns. Under Biden, our immigration situation is disastrous; our military a woke husk of its former self; crime and prices though the roof. He fuels the Iranian repression and war machine, and eagerly pushes for a war with Russia, while backstabbing our Israeli ally.

Chaos rules. Our fate and that of the West is at stake. Biden and his criminal fascists/communists must go.