Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Gendermandering: No More Lumberjack Song

Some idle reflections about sex. Well, not that kind. More accurately I would have to say that I have been thinking about "gender," and how that apparently has become the defining progressive issue of our time. It seems to have replaced global warming, universal health care, Wall Street, Palestine, and Islamophobia on the progressive hit parade.

Not just gender, mind you, but TRANSGENDER has moved to the top of the list. Let me see if I can get this correctly. Let me know where I am wrong. By the way, you can go back and read a piece I wrote back in 2014 in which I look at some numbers associated with the great progressive concern over "sexual orientation."

We, however, no longer appear talking about the ancient "war between the sexes" which has been the concern of philosophers, novelists, poets, playwrights, screenwriters, and comic acts since, well, since forever. This ain't your grandparents Cary Grant vs. Rosalind Russell. I gather we have even begun to move on from the relentless feminist war on men. We no longer want to push for women gaining access to once all-male preserves be they careers, clubs, or schools. Nope. That's old think.

For all my life, feminists sought to make the argument that women were the equals of men in all endeavors. The progressives insisted on that and, as a result, we had a cultural and legal revolution that sought to "prove" it. The argument went beyond just intellectual pursuits, where I have no problem believing men and women are equal; we saw feminism and its Hollywood echo chamber pushing the notion that women were as "bad ass" as men. TV programming, for example, in Europe, Australia, and America is full of tough, very tough women cops and prosecutors using their fists, guns, and wits to take down the bad guys, almost inevitably rich Christian white guys--whom, of course, are what we all fear encountering on a dark night in a lonely parking lot. The military must now allow women into all its activities including core combat roles, this despite testing showing that all-male units consistently outperform "mixed-gender" units. No matter the facts: the military must comply with the progressive agenda, and while progressives assure us physical standards will not be lowered, they will, as they were for police and fire services. Perhaps we should do away with, say, separate male and female sporting events in tennis, golf, and the Olympics? Lets have everybody compete against everybody regardless of gender . . . NFL? Throw open your 100% male ranks! Boxing and cage fighting, too! Let's see how "bad ass" the ladies are in the real world.

At the same time, of course, that we are told that women should have access to maledom's sacred preserves, and that women can handle themselves as well as any man, we are also notified that university campuses are seething testosterone-fueled rape centers, and that women deserve special protections, including, apparently, the right to accuse men of sexual assaults--defined very loosely--and have normal legal processes waived. We are told--on what basis?--that over 20% of coeds will experience sexual assault--defined very loosely--on a college or university campus. Maybe we should go back to gender segregated education, then? No, you evil sexist, women can do anything men can . . . yeah, yeah.

Anyhow, all that male-female stuff seems old and stale now. Fresh off the destruction of the definition of traditional marriage, we are moving past male and female into the politics of transgender and gender self-identification. We are whatever we want to be, whatever we feel we are . . . sexist patriarchal biology be damned! The battle lines are now drawn at the doors of public restrooms. The progressives insist gender segregated restrooms are the moral equivalent of Jim Crow or apartheid. Why? Because, as noted, we are whatever we want to be. There is no male and female except in our minds . . .  I hope feminists will be happy having a big hairy pervert in the next stall . . . And, remember, if you don't want your wife, your sister, or your daughter sharing a restroom with Sasquatch, you're a sexist, a vile bigot, an all-around hater! You will be "punished" by not being able to hear some washed out musicians or watch a bad documentary by a porky has been!

Earlier this month, I wrote a little piece about the Triumph of Mental Illness. The insistence that biology does not matter or even exist is another manifestation of that triumph. We can no longer  use the word "crazy." In addition, we must have the Monty Python boys, er, whatever they are, arrested.


  1. I object to Bruce being called a "has been"
    It's an insult to has been like me everywhere....

  2. Heretic!!

    Actually, all this rubbish does remind me of the arcane disputes among early Christians about topics that now leave us baffled.

    1. Speaking as someone who knows something about early Christianity and continues to identify as a Christian, I think our culture's decision to disparage the Bible and theology is one reason why we are now being subjected to the gendermandering idiots and being bested in conflict by a civilization that has produced nothing but stupefied slums surrounded by deserts once it rid itself of its Dhimmi populations.

  3. I recently had the experience of having a large man run into a women's restroom at a fast food restaurant where I was just washing my hands. (I am a woman.) It was a moment of sheer terror and I immediately left, hands still wet. A bit later I realized that this was a mentally handicapped person there with his parents. I don't know how this will play out, but I do know that a very dangerous situation is being set up for women and girls in public restrooms. Probably it will take high profile rapes and murders before this policy is changed. Buy stock in Depends.

    Even more important, the transgender fad is upping the ante on the gayness fad and destroying the lives of schoolchildren. Psychological research shows that many people don't have a firm sense of sexual identity until they are in their mid-twenties. I kept my son in private schools for his elementary years to protect him from truly stupid, trendy math instruction methods. A child has only one childhood. Now we are destroying not only children's knowledge base and ability to learn, we are destroying their lives by pressuring them to make choices about sexual identity that they are not ready to make. Sending a child to public school has become child abuse, for many reasons. What a tough situation that creates for parents.

    1. I am a public high school social studies teacher and dread the day when some hairy jerk in a bra finally rapes the girl in the next toilet stall. In one of my classes, I had the privilege of telling some students who were praising the "brave, heroic Harvey Milk" whom they had just learned about in a film in "health" class that the man preyed on teenaged runaways in SF back in the Silly 'Sixties.

      Things like this plus wide reading in history, theology, and similar subjects are reasons why I believe that I am not really a teacher, but a professional swindler of the young (I want to keep my nice job, and thus use the curriculum even if I now and then get to subvert it) and a cog in a vast machine designed to further the stupefaction of America. :(

    2. I've got 3, 5 and almost-zero year old boys whom I will probably end up indirectly getting kicked out school for not being willing refer to 'wrong', as 'right'.
      If I have my way, they will provide no condemnation, but also no acceptance of such garbage.

      - reader #1482

  4. A timely piece, considering that ESPN just fired analyist, Kurt Schilling for a comment he made on his Facebook, saying he wouldn't want his daughter to share a washroom with a man. What I find interesting about this story is that ESPN is owned by Disney. I can imagine the public's reaction (and no doubt, their shareholders)if Disney were to convert their in park washrooms to gender neutral.

  5. I notice that we don't have women's groups clamoring to use male-only restrooms....

  6. LOL ...and for good bloody reason.

  7. Dip, thoughts on Tubman replacing Jackson on the 20? I'm actually okay with it but wanted your take.

    How long before we get a transgender "hero" replacing Benjamin Franklin?

    1. I never liked Jackson. I would have preferred he be replaced by Frederick Douglass, one of my favorites, but Harriet Tubman is fine. I just don't want to hear the progressive version about her life: in fact, she was a brave gun-totting Republican fighting the Democrats.

    2. I've been following "the conversation" - via the comments - over on another site. (I don't comment there .. just observe .. trying to gauge the opinion/mood) as it were.

      Dip's ending sentence-thought; leads me to think perhaps .. others might find the commentary "useful" too. Thanks Dip, I hadn't been considering the import of your thought-process (the difference between a diplo & a milguy I suppose) ...

      I'd recommend to anyone wishing/interested in learning/understanding here - there's the option prior to reading the comments for "Oldest" first: I'd personally advise that.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I let myself go in the comments I deleted. The gist is that Experience is the best teacher--but only because Mr. Experience gets the class that will neither crack a book nor listen to wisdom; and hence, as Franklin once said, runs the only school in which fools will learn. Our elites have set all of us up for a very hard lesson which, I fear, will come sooner rather than later.

  8. Hopefully ... y'all can get the link to paste into your preferred search engine. This article is really rich.

    Ensure y'all look at the accompanying picture of "the students" of the supposed "high school" - I need some help figuring out which one is the "sixteen-year-old."

  9. Why do we have separate bathrooms in the first place? So that women, physically weaker and so easier to victimize by those who would force sex, can use toilets in privacy and safety.
    If men who claim to be trans--but aren't, but who can question subjective claims of gender identity these days--are allowed into women's bathrooms, the point of separate bathrooms is totally destroyed. Might as well just have a bunch of gender neutral stalls that look like mini-rooms (none of these cheap American stalls with way too much visible through the gaps).
    That's my two cents.

    1. Yeah.. the whole bathroom contention is kind of pointless... individual stalls... more business regulation... that's the way this country 'works'.
      keep stacking the regulations until it all falls down.
      who knew the tower of babel was built of cards?

      - reader #1482

  10. Regarding standards in the military, they've already been waived for women:

    Regarding the Tubman $20, I like the version with her holding a revolver in the air.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. God forgive me for these thoughts. Please God, let me be wrong, wrong, wrong. But it seems that before God destroys a nation, He (sorry, folks, I refuse to be politically correct here) sends them wicked rulers. We may well be an analogue to Judah under Amon and Manasseh, and any sane leader we get later may be no more than a Josiah who holds off the judgment for a brief Indian Summer. Yes, I believe that the books of Samuel-Kings, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and the lot are still politically relevant.

    I read about some Norwegian queer-green-red alliance pol named Hauken who got 屁股-raped by a Somali migrant, then got obligatorily weepy about his assailant's subsequent deportation. We will probably have to be subjected to some dreadful catastrophe before our populace wakes up and just sweeps such creeps and degenerates away.

  13. Steve Sailer calls this "world war T"


    "Épater la bourgeoisie" means to shock the bourgeoisie. This French phrase became a rallying cry for the French Decadent poets of the late 19th century, including Charles Baudelaire and Arthur Rimbaud.

    Water seeks its own level and relentlessly seeks out the cracks in a container. Social Justice Warriors are the same. They relentlessly seek out the customs which are comforting to the average person and dismantle those customs by claiming racism, sexism, and inequality.

    Separate washrooms are a comfort rather than a necessity. That is the appeal to the SJW's. They claim that people should give up that mere comfort in the name of equality, even only symbolic equality, a tradeoff for the good.

    Average people want to feel that they are supporting opportunity for others. They will be toys in the game of the SJW's as long as they fear advocating for their own comfort and freedom. For the moment, they will do anything to avoid being called racist or bigoted.

    People should stiffen their spines and call out the truth. Comforts are valuable. Symbolism is part of poetry and art, and is not a valuable tradeoff against reality. Reality beats symbolism every time.

    1. well said

      - reader #1482

    2. Read not too long ago that the Ford class carriers have done away with urinals, effectively making all latrines on board unisex. Who knew the navy was ahead of the SJW curve? I suspect they'll still insist, XY's over here, YY's over there.

    3. And I'm still PO'd that we've stopped naming carriers for Revolutionary War battles, except Enterprise. I'll make exception for Bull Halsey's ride.

  15. Mad,
    The fascinating thing to me is complete disenchantment of the corruption US government at almost all levels by such ideological disparate groups as the Sanderites and Trumpists (Cruz) camps. The powers that be will fight for their own existence tooth and nail (as a matter of fact they've dropped most pretense at this point). Change is coming, though what and exactly when is the big big question.

  16. I was shocked by a video I saw recently of a man at the University of Washington asking students how they felt about him identifying as, among other things, a Chinese woman, 7 years old, and 6'5" tall. The only one that seemed to cause the students real difficulty was claiming to be far taller than he really was. I had to wonder, are they so brainwashed, rendered so incapable of actual thought, that they were willing to believe he *was* a 7 year old just because he said so? Or are they afraid of being expelled for denying his claims on video? I fear the former.

    1. I suspect they were leery of being YouAmbushed. A not unreasonable fear, these days.

  17. Well, every time I have the opportunity on a golf course, I use the women's washroom and as my own little salute to every man alive, I leave the seat up.

  18. Who will be liable when we have a “gender-confused” individual molest, rape, or worse some young woman in a “one gender fits all” restroom. How will Wal-Mart, etc., evade responsibility for allowing such a tragedy to happen – and it’s only a matter of time before it will! Will the victim be at fault for “not being aware of her surroundings”? Will the facility owner be responsible for not having sufficient security, manpower, cameras, and vault-like stalls in place? Will Springsteen, et al, come forward and apologize to America for their stupidity, will the idiot, liberal (I repeat myself) politicians that allowed this mess to happen in the first place stand up and admit the error of their ways and correct it; we all know the answers to all the above, don’t we?
    God help us!

    1. seems that all this social engineering produces new vistas for lawyers.

  19. The German version of the lumberjack song done by Monty Python is a hoot. It was done by Python with Palin as the lumberjack as well. Who knew they had so many German fans?

  20. The objective of all these "progressive" issues that are pushed, and added to after each one has been forced upon the populace, is to provide constant bats to hit conservatives with. See the baseball guy hounded out of his TV job for not openly having sex with a transgender on TV (or something).

    Naturally, he was a Conservative and the price for not accepting the Maoist Red Guard public humiliation, was his livelihood. What better way to show the people who is in control and you'd better do as we wish or what.

  21. You wouldn't be Cherokee by any chance?

  22. Dunno about the claim of Mrs Tubman being a Republican, given that women didn't have the vote at that time, so even if she was, so what?

    I'll throw my 3 cents in for having Crazy Horse on a bank note. We're defined by our adversaries, as well.
