Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Fitbit, Jazz, YMCA, and Whistleblowers

Still in San Sebastian. We had a wonderful lunch yesterday overlooking the Concha Beach. Wonderful weather to along with the food and conversation--no politics. 

Today, I have already put some 10,000 steps on my Fitbit before 11am. This is very much a walking town, and it's rare to go to bed without some 18-21000 steps on the ol' Fitbit. Walking around last night, noticed that the parks were full of moms, dads, grandparents, running children, and dogs well past 11pm. Not many places in the world nowadays where you see that.

The tourist horde continues to arrive as we head into the weekend and the International Jazz Festival. That event is now a very big deal, and not at all what I remember from some 50-plus years ago. Back then, it took place in a small square in the old part of town, was free, and drew amateur and b-level musicians. It was fun. 

Now, the thing is a monster, takes place at different large modern venues, and not free. Too crowded for me; I was never a jazz connoisseur, to start, much less knowledgable about that art form. The names of the artists coming from all over the world don't mean much to me EXCEPT for one. Yes, the Village People (YMCA!) are coming to town. I never realized that that gay quartet was consider part of the jazz world, but there you have it. I report, you deride. 

I spent a lot of time listening to the testimony of the IRS whistleblowers. In a sane and just world, it would prove devastating for the Biden crime family and the DOJ/FBI. The Democrats at the hearing, and on social media, made clowns of themselves, trying their hardest to ridicule and ignore the powerful testimony and evidence of how the IRS, the DOJ, and the FBI sought to suppress the case against the Biden criminals. 

Now, the question is, of course, what will the Republicans do about it? Strong letter? Couple of interviews on NewsMax? 

This is the test of the party. Will it fight back against a weaponized Federal bureaucracy out to destroy what remains of our democratic republic?

I am not optimistic, but pray that I am wrong. 


  1. I think strategically this is a dead-end. Worst case scenario for conservatives, Biden is impeached and removed from office. President Harris then runs as an incumbent and had maybe a year to implement whatever beyond-the-pale level of crazy she'd have in store.
    What course of action would help for conservatives?

    - reader #1482

  2. Without the Senate and a large majority, we are screwed.

  3. One problem is getting Republican representatives who are not conservatives are are Deep State personnel.

  4. The Village People must getting pretty long in the tooth.

    1. Watched them last night. I think some at least are new.

    2. They're more 'brand' than 'band' now. This is typical. Similarly, Biden will be 'running for office' when he's 108. Will be much like the 'Dread Pirate Roberts' of Princess Bride repute.

      - reader #1482

  5. Based on what has been happening, the GOPe will do nothing. They'll talk big, but that'll be about it. Or do something that the Uniparty agrees with and call it a day. I'm really not optimistic as to where all this is going.
