Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Back, Sort of . . .

Nightmare dealing with They apparently "mistakenly" assigned domain to another account, and that account holder deleted the account, but still retains control of the domain name. Right. So I am back to for now. I can't link to my old pieces unless I go in and change each address, I guess.

Anyhow, I will keep working on it. If you can get the word out to the other five or six readers, I would much appreciate it.


  1. That would explain why my security software warned me of a trojan when I clicked on your site.

  2. This would appear to align with four of the blogs I was regularly hitting. The other three experienced their problems with GoDaddy withing the past 60 days, the first noted took the longest to achieve a workaround, of the other two one (at least) is still only able to put up content on an earlier used platform and on the other, he's still not up. His email's working just his blog's problems with GoDaddy continue.

    Here's the alternate site of the last I refer to

    (Knuckledraggin My Life Away - Kenny Lane) he might have some tips to share.


  3. There was something of a panic in the ranks when "site not found" kept popping up. We're all calm now.

    Glad you're back.

  4. 1. Filing a BBB Complaint can help get it resolved ASAP

    2. Tweet using godaddy hashtag can also help

    3. Letter written by a lawyer gets attention.

    4. I would move to namecheap as a domain provider. Cheaper, and not as incompetent.

  5. Good to "see" you again. That is a scary situation. I wish there were better ways to handle it so that internet locations don't just disappear as though they dropped off a cliff one day. So often they are never heard from again. Glad you were able to come up with a solve.

    Your link on my blog still works, so I must have linked to you before you had the domain. It must have been redirecting all this time, and during your absence, it couldn't find even this address.

  6. Sure glad to see you're really there and back!

  7. Good to see this at least. I was going to try you on LinkedIn since I don't keep your email handy, but who is Mr. AMselem? Is that a typo?

    Sue the buggers, they probably did it on purpose.

  8. So glad to see you back up and running again. My heart sank when your website went dark, luckily, I have friends who read you as well and they were able to point me in the right direction! Keep on blogging!

  9. Dip been worried all week about your health and well-being

  10. Glad to see you back, I was worried.

  11. Given the nature of your last post prior to the start of the adventure, the paranoid side of me wondered if evil forces were unleashed on you. Glad to see that (probably) wasn't the case and that you're back in the saddle.

    BTW, that last post? Thought you nailed it!

  12. Once you get your Domain name back get off Godaddy. They have a history of screw ups like this, or just deciding that they don't like your domain and taking it.

    I use Network Solutions. Never had an issue with them in 30 years

    1. I use a local host, one which I have dealt with for years, and was close friends with a friend who taught me everything I know about building a website and doing all that computery stuff. Godaddy is a pain in the aspidistra.
      Heath at Cyberriver. He's never failed to sort out any problems that I have had with all four of my websites.

  13. Let me echo many folks above!

    I was worried about you, that the dark side had hunted you down.

    Glad you see you are still with us, and, keep poking the bear!

    How are the conceal laws in your state?

  14. We were worried that the deep state had disappeared you.
    Tweet any new site info.

  15. Aloha Senor!
    I truly regret to hear you are having a spate of stress and time wasting due to crap service via inept ignorance, at the least!
    Always grateful for your perspective, serious or light! Highly value it, NEVER doubt that! :)
    Of course you will continue, we are patiently observing, to follow your lead!
    BEST Regards!

  16. Welcome back Dip.


  17. "Just keep buggering on!", as some famous fella' once said!

  18. I've been moving my accounts out of GoDaddy into over several years now; ever since the original owner sold out - what a shame, it used to be very good.

  19. I wondered what had happened when Google refused to send me to your site, although I have been visiting this site since 2006

  20. Überdeplorable Psychedelic Cat GrassMay 28, 2020 at 11:11 PM

    Sooooo glad you're back! I was worried there.

  21. Oh man welcome back. I was having bad withdrawals and had to start doubling my intake of Gin and Tonics...after doubling it to keep the Kung Flu at bay.

  22. It finally dawned me that I should try an Internet search and voila, there you are again. I wonder if some of GoDaddy support staff left and the replacements are less than competent. I like that possibility better that thoughts of persecution. :-) Mostly I lurk, but was relieved enough to comment today.

  23. Thankfully, a link partner of yours had your new address. Thank you, for your link.

  24. Mr Diplo. I am one of the 5 or 6 visitors to your site. Yep, Soros and associates is on the job.
    Them accident ain't.
    Good to see you on and visible. Keep on keeping on.

  25. I'm glad to see you back. I've been wondering what happened. GoDaddy has screwed up a lot of sites over the past year. Knuckledraggin was another one that had to jump over to BlogSpot. I'm glad Don Surber spread the news on his blog this morning.

  26. My sympathy for your plight is heartfelt. Been there. Bought the GODADDY SUCKS tee-shirt. Glenn Reynolds ought to turn a law school class loose to build a legally-acceptable, airtight court case against GoDaddy for this and similar practices. They need a good spank.

    Huzzah and more for your resurrection. There are so many early bloggers who died, dropped out, or had to change blogs. In my case GoDaddy wiped my content, kept the masthead and planted often-risque garbage-ads on the site.

    PLEASE consider loading old comments under new links. Yes, it is a pain to copy/paste/post each one but even a “best of” sampling will show why you have the audience you earned.

    Highest regards. May you shoot 2-inch groups at 1,000 paces forever.

  27. Glad to see you back. I am sure it was an 'accident'.... js

  28. GoDaddy is a shell of its former self when it comes to giving a shit about their customers. I've moved a lot of my domain business out of there and I'd be loath to recommend them to anybody. If you can't get results from GoDaddy, try ICANN. They are the overseers of the domain name system. Or, Verisign who controls the DOT COMs and DOT NETs. Good luck.

  29. Wow. I had no idea that you were gone missing until I tried to find you last night. Thought it was my tablet! Tried again on desktop, then tried DuckDucking your name and found you again. So glad to "see" you again. Keep on trucking! And thank you for your blog.

  30. I feared you had (understandably) gone to ground.

    Good news in dark times.

    Keep rocking.

  31. paul vincent zecchinoJune 10, 2020 at 7:56 PM

    Glad to have found you again, Dip.

  32. Speaking of persistence of your "5 - 6 readers" I finally found the blogspot link myself. Glad to see you're still around. I enjoy your insight and sarcasm turned onto current events. I'll be catching up on the posting I missed.

  33. Dip, note how the "accidents" always take down the conservatives, not the libs? Keep up the good fight, your 5 or 6 readers are with you. From PWG land.
