Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

In Defense of White Dudes

On at least one prior occasion I stated my antipathy toward the subject of race and the progressives' incessant calls to talk about race,
Unlike liberals who see what they believe, conservatives tend to believe what we see. We do not see a country in the grip of racial tension, at least not until the charlatans begin to act. I always harken back to my years in Sri Lanka; now, my friends, there was a country ripped open by a genocidal ethnic hatred stirred up by politicians. I saw the same process in Guyana and throughout much of the Caribbean: ordinary people getting along until rabble rousers arrive and drive wedges between them. 
In sum, we have had way too many conversations about race. Let's stop talking about race, stop giving opportunities to those who would divide us.
Let me be blunt: I find that discussions of race quickly get boring, idiotic, inconclusive, and, often, verbally and even physically violent. Race tells you very little if anything about a person and his or her attributes except, perhaps, for some inconsequential physical ones. (Culture is a much more interesting topic, but, progressives don't want to talk about that.) To keep pushing the topic of race can and will force even the most tolerant and open of people (as discussed here, for example) eventually to reach their limit and fight back. As mentioned in the citation above, I have seen that phenomenon personally and it is not a pretty sight.

In sum, little or no positive purpose gets served by discussing race. "Conversations" about race in Western countries become one-way progressive harangues deriding white people and their "privilege," calls for more government action in the name of "social justice," and, of course, more power for the progressive elites. In our befuddled times, such "conversations" get infused with yet another noxious theme, to wit, "white male patriarchy." White Christian Dude racism and sexism meld into one huge pulsating Death Star that requires, you guessed it, more legislation, more government control, more censorship, more repression, and more of all the other hallmarks of progressivism to defeat it.

So, of course, having said that we should not talk about race and its associated sin sexism, I will discuss race and sex, well, mostly I will rant about White Dudes. The contributions of "Pale Dudismo" are considerable, worth recalling, and--dare I say?--defending without shame. That, I will do.

I am a proud White Dude. Mind you, I say this as somebody who had zero ancestors on the Mayflower, in addition, nobody in my family tree was a Viking, or sat in King Arthur's Court. I am ethnically an Ibero-North African-Jew whom some might consider, at best, only a member of the White Dude Junior Varsity Team. To those "some," I would say, "Hey, don't be too picky about your allies." At a minimum, Dudes, if Elizabeth Warren can be Cherokee,  Rachel Dolezal black, Bruce Jenner a woman, Al Sharpton a Reverend, and Donald Trump a Republican, well, I think you should let me into the White Dude Club. Deal done? OK.

White Christian Dudes (WCDs)--especially English-speaking ones--make the best countries and civilizations. Horrors! There. I've put the spotlight on the elephant in the Race Conversation Amphitheater.

Let me crank up the wattage on that spotlight: The peoples of the world want to live where White Christian Dudes (WCD) hold sway. Here in our own increasingly frazzled USA, the anti-WCD, PC elite want us to forget that White Christian Dudes founded our country. Look at the Declaration of Independence; you won't see too, too many Mohammeds or Moishes among the signatories--sorry to report that none of my relatives signed--and, likewise, with the drafters of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. The Founding Fathers, all of them British and the epitome of White Christian Dudes, drew their moral and philosophical outlook, their concern for human rights and limited government, not from Asian or African philosophers, but from the Bible, and British, French, and Greek philosophers--all White Dudes, most of them Christian. Were our Founding Dudes perfect? Nope. Did they tolerate slavery, albeit reluctantly, when they should not have? Yes. White Christian Dudes can act out of step with their own principles. They are human. Yes, some White Christian Dudes from Europe ended up collaborating with African and Muslim Dudes to traffic in slaves. White Christian Dudes, however, do their own policing. It was overwhelmingly White Christian Dudes, we should note, who laid down their lives to end slavery. In more recent times, it was overwhelmingly White Christian Dudes who tore down European Nazism, liberated the concentration camps, and, by the way, also defeated racist Japanese Shinto militarism, freeing millions of Chinese, Filipinos, Malays, Koreans, and others from a brutal existence. It also was largely White Dudes, most of them Christian and Republican, who dismantled the Democrats' Jim Crow regime in the American South. White Christian Dudes gave America a new commitment to freedom and equal justice.

Around the world we see that just about everybody wants to live with the White Christian Dudes. We see this drive to live with White Christian Dudes every day along our southern border; Australians see it on their coasts and in the changing make up of their cities; Britons in the unceasing wave of migrants besieging their island. Canada's beautiful Vancouver in beautiful British Columbia has become a largely Asian city. Everywhere, it seems, the civilization built by White Christian Dudes is the magnet. Non-WCDs don't leave WCD countries; my family certainly didn't.

White Dudes--most Christian, many Jewish--invented our modern world. The technology, the medicines, the engineering marvels, the stunning scientific discoveries, the great art and literature, etc., are all products of White Dudes, thank you very much. Even the unhinged feminists who seem to be everywhere spout a degraded form of Marxism--and, uh, Marx was a White Dude . . . most of us White Dudes are not too proud of him.

The mad progressives of our era create and promote all sorts of cryptids: the White Christian Dude as rapist; as racist mass murderer; as hater and killer of gays; as denier of women's rights; as all around abuser of women (poor little gals can't handle that liquor, doncha know?) The real world, of course, does not see White Christian Dudes that way. As I have noted, that world wants to live under the blessings of White Christian Dude rule. Why else do they come in such huge numbers every day to WCD countries?

One more elephant: if progressives get their wish and destroy White Christian Dude civilization, where will Third World migrants go? If, for example, the USA becomes like Mexico, why would Mexicans and Central Americans come here? If Australia becomes another Asian country, why would Asians risk their lives to go live there? Would Chinese immigrants want to live in a Third World pit? They can stay home for that.

I like being a White Dude. Long live White Christian Dude rule! It's the only hope for the rest of us . . .


  1. Nice piece! I would love to see this repeated in a major Commie- Lib blog or the Huff PO just to hear the cracking and exploding of progressive heads after their pea brains leak out.

    1. Not exactly that, but pretty damn close to that just happened at ESPN:

    2. I am also a WCD, spelled Dudette, however I’ d like to point out a few errors in your discourse:
      1. Several Founding Fathers, including Thomas Jefferson, were NOT CHRISTIANS , much less the “epitome of WCD” you claim. That’s WHY protecting our FREEDOM to WORHIP as we CHOOSE was SO important to them
      2. You say “WCD invented our modern world”. Wellll, about that…Madame Currie (scientist) was NOT a "dude". AND The system of numbers referred to as "Arabic "Numerals", 0-9 , the very basis for development of advanced Mathematics, originated in India and spread to Roman Empire via Arabia. That is why we can say 2-2=0 instead of II minus II = unknown (Roman Numerals had no concept of Zero).
      3. Why do you refer to ‘progressives’ with the rantist’s label of ‘mad progressives’, and to feminists with the rantist’s term “unhinged feminist”. ? Because you are wanting to fan the flames of hatred and fragment our great country rather than build bridges or seek common ground. You appear to have more in common with principles of KKK than with the principles of our Founding Fathers .
      4. Where does “progressives … wish (to) destroy White Christian Dude civilization” come from???? Anyone WORTHY enough to be truly called a “progressive” is one who wants civilization to make progress, to grow.
      5. I also like being White, but as a Dudette, the WCD monicker your are so proud to be associated with refused women the right to VOTE and refused women the right to own property in their own name until the 20th Century!!
      6. And ….“poor little gals can't handle that liquor, doncha know?)” REALLY??!!?????
      Enough said.

      by a Scotts-Irish-descended Dudette with a Masters of Science Degree ( no "pea brain")

    3. Masters, hey? Educated beyond your intellect. You need to read and get out a bit more.
      Mike (MD)

    4. As to the Dudette, it was not merely enough said, but far too much said. Your response validates the writer's original post and the tiny shreds of content presented as facts amongst the screeching drivel in your reply are wrong.

      Jefferson was born, lived, and died a Christian and had a Christian burial attended to by Reverend Charles Clay, a Christian minister. Jefferson railed against the state establishment of a Church and the corruption created in the Church by political entanglements with the state. While his religious views were complex within the political and religious orthodoxy of his time (when Establishment was the norm), by modern standards Jefferson would be considered a fairly mainstream "doubting Thomas" Protestant or perhaps a Unitarian in the sense that he professed a belief in God, was uncertain about the Divinity of Jesus Christ, but believed deeply in the moral code expressed by Jesus Christ.

      And the Romans possessed the concepts of positive numbers, zero, fractions, and negative numbers. The Roman Numeral system did not have a number "0" because Romans used an Abacus for calculation and the concept of "0" was indicated by the absence of a bead or other indicator in a given column or slot. Romans were fully aware that II-II=nothing, but the number "0" was unnecessary as a placeholder in the Roman calculation system because the column or slot itself was the "0".

      God help us if your post is representative of MS level degree thinking and discourse.

      -Anon (BS, MS, JD)

    5. Relax, it isn't. It is a feminist, i.e., brain dead.

    6. Good! I sparked somebody to do some real research! Glad to see someone on this website has emotional age over 8. "Screeching drivel" trumps "brain dead". Much more imagination! You might be ready to graduate Middle School.

    7. ....Yet, the fact remains that, although many Founding Fathers were Christians, NOT ALL were (which still make the original statement a lie) . AND I do not see the rocket scientists who sent New Horizon ship to do fly-by of Pluto using an ABACUS to calculate the trajectory!.

    8. WHAT "progress" has progressivism brought? I'll wait....

  2. Now you've done it.

  3. There are times, Diplomad, when you rise above your usual common sense discussion, to an absolutely higher level of rhetoric and logic.

    This is one of those times. Well done.


    1. Seconded. Motion passed nem con.

    2. Hear, hear!
      "Let's Roll"
      On Watch

  4. Since we are no longer governed by White Christian Dudes (I'm so glad you didn't use the term "Folks"), how come we are still being inundated with immigrants?

    1. Because they haven't completely destroyed the White Christian Dude culture that is at the heart of civilization.

    2. Exactly ! In a rather racist essay by a high school teacher (white) in a black high school, the teacher asked his students what would happen to them if all the white people disappeared. "We be f**ked !" was the answer. They know and, until it looks like real consequences could flow from all this agitation, they will continue knowing we will take care of them.

  5. To turn the screw one turn more, white Christian dudes of a *certain type* of Christianity make the best countries. And they don't hold sway anymore anywhere.

    And--yet one more turn yet--especially white dudes who speak one particular language and respect its particular laws, thought, institutions, and traditions. White dudes speaking other languages have a much more mixed record, if you look at it fair and square, of producing decent and successful countries.

    Let's take the simple Darwinian metric, to begin with: survival.

    Sweden is the world's oldest continuously-existing independent regime, unconquered and without a revolution. Its origins are lost in pre-history. But after that, what?

    The United Kingdom goes back to 1707. (But, alas, may be on its last legs.)

    Depending how you count, the United States goes back to 1776 or 1789. People call it a young country. It's the third-oldest.

    China? As a civilization China is thousands of years old. As a nation-state, it is 66 years old, and may well not live to be 75. The Union of Committee Socialist Republics didn't, surprising (nearly) everybody.

    France? The Fifth Republic goes back to 1958. Japan? 1947 Israel? 1948 Switzerland? 1815. Try it as a parlor game.

    Europe and Asia have much older cities; but the United States is a much older country. There are several reasons for this. The Atlantic and the Pacific are two, but there are others that have to do with the specific kind of white Christian men the founding white Christian men were.

    BTW, it should not matter to the argument, but in this day of *ad hominem* nonsense I will note that I am not myself a white Christian man.

    1. I'd say Sweden failed as a state during WWII... certainly can't claim they were continuously in control over their country... at least as much as the french... just because they chose not to resist, doesn't mean they've won or survived.
      Undermines Norway to suggest otherwise, I think.

      - reader #1482
      - reader #1482

    2. Hello again, 1482. Sweden may have failed morally, but it maintained its independence--something Norway did not.

      To the extent that Norway messed up, it was only in they trusting the English and French to have a care for their own survival. Survival is a choice, and life is not to everyone's taste, as "Spengler" says. (I find myself quoting him quite a bit these days.)

    3. Australia settled 1788, Commonwealth of Australia 1901

    4. "Europe and Asia have much older cities..."

      Cities are intrinsically far more durable than nations and empires. They are, one could say, "atomic", and they generally exist where they do in response to natural, and enduring, geographical opportunities.

  6. B...Bu....Bu....But that would mean that the halfrican has been speaking nonsense all his life. You mean there will be no hope and change, just change without hope what a crushing blow.

    Sarcasm aside, I believe the people of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan and many other places, all brown-skinned, might have learned a harsher lesson than us white, somewhat christian dudes. The world is a much worse place with the intervention of Obama and Susan Rice, incompetents both but ably assisted by Clintoon and Kerry. They came, they saw, they destroyed hope.

  7. Long live White Christian Dude rule! It's the only hope for the rest of us . . .

    five words too many

    1. White Christian dudes fixed it so that they alone would *not* continue to rule. They did this on purpose. For moral reasons.

      Parenthetically, who can name another demographic that has done such a thing, or of which the intellectuals have even discussed doing such thing?

    2. The arabs.... wait... the chinese... errr... wait... the native americans... err.. wait... okay... I give up... but I'm not sure what ends up as social suicide *now* is really something to be admired in history. Unique? yes. Enviable for some purpose? I'm not so sure now.

      - reader #1482

    3. It didn't have to end in suicide. The original deal was: join our culture, race (and then sex) no object.

      Unfortunately, crypto-nihilists at war with the culture (at least since Rousseau) undermine that "deal" when in power. To them, vandals and goths were and are useful allies or useful idiots.

    4. Let me amend that: it was thought at the time that it didn't have to end in suicide.

      Perhaps all democratic republics (and monarchies) are doomed in a short time. (What is a "short time"? Remember that the United States lasted over two hundred years while all about it were lasting fifty.)

      *Arguendo* I shall assume not. If not, then perhaps either multi-ethnic or (more plausibly) female suffrage is a poison pill.

      Crowds of men are more sentimentalist than their constituent men. Mixed crowds may be too soft to live.

      Pacifists against women's suffrage, always a pretty thin group on the ground, made the point that there was something odd about giving women the vote that might put drafted men into a war.

      But of course, it is not always overweening strength that leads to military catastrophe. As often it is self-imposed weakness.

      And here I think an anti-pacifist may have a case against women's suffrage. Has not the party of weakness always been able to count on a disproportionate amount of the women's vote specifically on that account?

      Is that not in fact overwhelmingly likely in any culture we know, should it become democratic with women's suffrage?

      (Even Israel, forced by a bad neighborhood to be the Sparta of our day, had its caught-napping/near-death experience under a female Prime Minister.)

  8. I’m an Irishman with a tiny percentage of Jewish DNA (distant relative of Chaim Herzog), of which I’m eternally proud of and grateful for. Growing up in Ireland our history, and understandably so, was preoccupied with England and its influence on us and the rest of the planet.

    From an early age (I was reading the Encyclopedia Britannica at 6 years old), I had a natural antipathy toward the British Empire and what I perceived as its malignant control of large parts of the planet. The Catholic Church held heavy sway on the thinking of most of our citizens, including me. Through the filters of Religion and History my general perceptions of the world at age 6 were:

    England – Bad. An Empire that plundered and raped and stole, particularly from us and Africans.

    Germany – Relative indifference as they weren’t Catholic had produced scholars bent on undermining the Vatican and I associated the name with nasty bugs that made one ill. They also had an Empire that plundered and raped and stole, particularly from Africans but they slipped us rifles and stuff off u-boats sometimes and offered us Independence if we helped them use our island as a platform against them meany Brits during WW2.

    Italy – Relatively positive as after all, it housed the Vatican and I had been taught that the Pope was infallible in all things spiritual and religious, but I had this lingering doubt as I was aware that some pre-medieval Popes had done some pretty weird stuff and made a big deal of that fact that the dastardly Jews had offed Jesus a very long time ago. I had issues with being mad at the Jews given that I’d been indoctrinated to forgive my enemies and couldn’t understand why we were still angry with them after all this time. Couldn’t we get over this, as other than that, they seemed like pretty useful people? They also had an Empire that plundered and raped and stole, particularly from Africans, but it was Catholic and therefore couldn’t be as bad as the dastardly English one.

    France – Good. They were Catholic and seemed to be perpetuately at odds with the Auld enemy England. They periodically sent us weapons and even troops in our eternal struggle with said Auld enemy and even accepted our defeated leaders after each failed attempt to shrug off the English. They also had an Empire that plundered and raped and stole, particularly from Africans.

    Spain – Good. See France above and lots of them washed up on our western shores during failed events against them terrible Brits like the ill-fated Spanish Armada; integrated with us and produced Black Irish descendants, a reference to a dark-haired phenotype appearing in people of Irish-Spanish descent. They also operated an Empire that plundered and raped and stole, mostly from Aztecs and Incas but other than that seemed to be kosher

    Belgium – Indifferent. They were small like us but operated an empire that plundered and raped and stole, particularly from Africans

    Netherlands – Not real keen. They were small like us but operated an empire that plundered and raped and stole, particularly from Africans and were the progenitors of William of Orange who caused us much angst

    America – Awesome! Mostly. Took in our downtrodden and impoverished and were instrumental in influencing them ‘orrible Brits to grant us Free State status circa 1921. Had lots of relies over there. Wasn’t aware at the time of the signs in store windows that read ‘Help Wanted - Irish Need Not Apply’

    Canada ¬– indifferent. Was struggling with the concept of the British Commonwealth and Canada had the same colour map on my globe as England so a little suspicious although I had lots of relies over there also.
    Australia and New Zealand – Curious. Commonwealth thing but more Irish immigrant friendly.

    Scandinavia- Indifferent. Full of Vikings, but we whupped their arses at Clontarf under Brian Boru in 1014 and heard America did well from them so willing to give them benefit of the doubt. End of Part 1.

    1. It was the British Empire, of which Ireland was a key part (until 1922).

      It is the British Islands, an archepelago that includes Ireland. The British People are the residents of that archipelago and Irish, Scottish, Welsh, English, Cornish, Manx are all British; and they were all involved in the great enterprize.

    2. Hey, if the Irish had become Protestant en masse (as did the Scots), they probably would've had a disproportionate share in making Britain great.

      Dear Askthereferee: Before you crow over beating the Vikings, I've heard someone else of Irish heritage say that the Vikings left their beer, dogs, and hair color (and Ireland has lots of blondes, no?)

  9. Part 2.
    The rest of the world – Puzzled and generally indifferent.

    Jews and Israel – Confused but generally empathetic. Sort of bad guys because of Pontius Pilate but I knew the wandering tribes of Israel were important and needed a homeland.

    At age 8 I discovered a set of Tomes in my father’s library depicting the 6 years of WW2. Oh, man how my views changed after seeing those terrible pictures of Auschwitz and London and Dresden burning. My views of the world and empires and nations and patriots and the good guys changed drastically.

    I’m sorry if this bores anybody. I didn’t intend it to become a missive but I reckon it has a bit. Apologies to my host on this account. It was his brilliant piece wot made me do it! I swear! If those not bored are interested in my perceptions of the world post WW2 from about age 9, I will write some more. Please advise.

    Around this time, I met one of my English uncles who quickly became my favourite uncle because of his war stories (he had been a General in military intelligence, had parachuted into Arnhem, and had a German Luger from that experience) and amazing love of my mother’s sister and my father and all of us and all things Irish. He was a powerful influence on my development and worldview. I’ve travelled a fair bit of the world since then and acquired a few new citizenships in the process.

    The Irishman.

    1. Irishman, great contribution. Many thanks.

    2. Naah...Being borned in Lancashire, that hotbed of English tolerance, my view of the Irish when I was 6 was pretty simple: "buggers helped the Krauts navigate over England. sob's."

      Odd how childhood perceptions are difficult to erase.


    3. An Irish friend of mine had a somewhat similar experience to Part 2. His last name is Walsh and he was bit disturbed to realize that was a Norman name. Then, he visited England for the first time and realized he liked it better. Soon after, he left for America.

  10. I've always said that American men, paleface variety, are the best men on the planet. When I've said this to limply liberal 'men,' they squirm and protest and simply can't take it in.

    Diplomad, you are right, right, right. Moreover, it would be good to remember that people don't always hate you for what's bad about you -- quite often, they hate you for what's GOOD about you (a.k.a. malignant envy).

    1. Diplomat is making no such claim, you understand. He only claimed their countries were better.

      Your claim is much stronger. And different. The best men might not make the best countries.

      However, I do not dispute your claim. I certainly don't have any evidence against it. I just don't have enough that I could myself support it.

      So say on, stranger. Make your case. You have our attention.

  11. I blame Sid Meyer. His game "Civiliation" defeated the rational faculties of an entire generation of kids, resulting in the current crop of white house staffers.
    In the real world, having the "correct" values results in success.
    In "Civilization" world, any set of values or political philosophies can win, as everything is 'balanced'.
    Kids (now men), have never recovered from this crap.

    - reader #1482

    1. I believe the rot started way before the release date of 'Civilization' in 1991, where Marxist-indocrinated teachers passed on Marxist indoctrination to their students that continues to this day.

      The thinking seems to be as follows:
      All men are equal -> All cultures are of equal worth -> All societies should be equally successful -> Some societies are not as successful as other societies -> Less successful societies are less successful due to the exploitation or interference by the more successful -> More successful societies thus owe a debt to the less successful ones -> This debt will remain until the less successful societies are at least as successful as the currently most successful -> Reparations must be in the form of wealth or intellectual property transfer or the crippling of the more successful societies to bring them down to the level of the least successful -> This must continue until all societies are equally successful.

      I once read a letter from a teacher from a remote community (essentially catering to indigenous people living on a government reservation.) The teacher took a group of these indigenous students on a field trip to the second largest city in the nation so they could experience life outside their remote community and see a big city. When they got back to their remote community, the teacher asked then what they thought, and apparently the students thought that this confirmed the racism of the White Man. When questioned why, they said that the White Man was given far better jobs and houses than they were in their remote community, and this was obviously due to racism. The students had thought that the government (the White Man) disbursed jobs and houses to all citizens and the fact that their remote community inhabitants had not been given great jobs and splendid houses was because of racial discrimination. As the students lived in a indigenous community where all jobs were government jobs, or paid for by the government (as contractors), and because the land was community owned all houses were built and paid for by the government, they naturally assumed the whole nation was organised the same way.

      What this story shows is that we view the world through our own cultural and educational lenses. With the belief that there are no truths and everything is relative, then the only reason for differences are that some injustice has been done that has to be redressed. The inability to believe that different cultures have different belief structures that determine how this culture works and behaves is part of the reason why the USA/Iran treaty was signed by Kerry. If all bad aspects of another culture exist as purely reactionary to bad behaviour by our own culture, then these cultures are absolved from having to fix any of their bad behaviour and our culture must take on the responsibility of fixing this, whereupon the reactionary bad behaviours will suddenly cease and peace and harmony will ensue.

    2. No manifesto can waste the hours and infiltrate the mind like a well designed computer game.

      That said, I agree wholeheartedly that the poisonous principles far predate personal computing.

      - reader #1482

    3. Thank God I played "Imperialism" and not "Civilization."

    4. That said, the rot has indeed gone deep. I've been do numerous "training classes" for Federal employees where the bottom line seems to be that "there is no objective truth." Needless to say I've derailed more than one discussion group using logic and history; the academics running the show are caught off guard when it turns out that the lowly federal worker over there has a PhD in history...

  12. Please white man come back and slang us and also fix Coca-Cola machine!

    1. Your comment reminds me of the book, and later movie, about the British guy who decides to go live on a small island north of Australia. The book was written by the girl he inveigled into joining him and is called "Castaway." Anyway, they almost starve and are rescued by natives from Thursday Island nearby. The islanders discover he knows how to fix outboard motors and he becomes almost a king to their small society. They all use outboards and when one stops, they buy another. He was able to fix theirs and soon was setting up electric lights another signs of civilization. This disturbed the girl and she left to write her book. Good book. The movie is pretty good, too. The actress Amanda Donahoe spends almost the whole movie naked.

  13. Arabs do have a sense of humor. Here is a joke told to me by a Saudi Air Force officer:
    Jesus, Moses and Mohammed were riding around the world on a magic carpet.
    Jesus looked down and said: "There are my people, They are leaders of industry and commerce. They are my people"!
    Moses looked down and said "There are my people" They are scientists, philanthropists, doctors. They are my people"! Mohammed looked down and said, "There a=re my people.....just as I left them"

    1. Another joke. What are there no Arabs in the Star Trek movies ? Answer because it is about the future.

  14. Well, then there is this for the whole bloody western civ., including Israel, of course:

    Are White Men Gods?
    Euclidean geometry. Parabolic geometry. Hyperbolic geometry. Projective geometry. Differential geometry. Calculus: Limits, continuity, differentiation, integration. Physical chemistry. Organic chemistry. Biochemistry. Classical mechanics. The indeterminacy principle. The wave equation. The Parthenon. The Anabasis. Air conditioning. Number theory. Romanesque architecture. Gothic architecture. Information theory. Entropy. Enthalpy. Every symphony ever written. Pierre Auguste Renoir. The twelve-tone scale. The mathematics behind it, twelfth root of two and all that. S-p hybrid bonding orbitals. The Bohr-Sommerfeld atom. The purine-pyrimidine structure of the DNA ladder. Single-sideband radio. All other radio. Dentistry. The internal-combustion engine. Turbojets. Turbofans. Doppler beam-sharpening. Penicillin. Airplanes. Surgery. The mammogram. The Pill. The condom. Polio vaccine. The integrated circuit. The computer. Football. Computational fluid dynamics. Tensors. The Constitution. Euripides, Sophocles, Aristophanes, Aeschylus, Homer, Hesiod. Glass. Rubber. Nylon. Roads. Buildings. Elvis. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. (OK, that’s nerve gas, and maybe we didn’t really need it.) Silicone. The automobile. Really weird stuff, like clathrates, Buckyballs, and rotaxanes. The Bible. Bug spray. Diffie-Hellman, public-key cryptography, and RSA. Et cetera.

    That approximation would seem to speak volumes, in fact, much to many's potential embarrassment, what ho?

    Like I guess it's just the Jesus, Moses thing, it works, really it does. I just found the bug spray, and years ago, had used the SSB(single side-band radio, in ham radio, that is). And I got loads of IC's and used to build transistorized devices. Yeah, it works, I learned integral calc., and it works, and medicine too. Beats being told you must not learn, except memorize every word of the koran, huh? Yup, that'll really help civilize, how to hate and butcher and be "superior", in several abusive grades, un-huh!! Yup, boko is harem, un-huh!!!

    Yeah, it's that ol' white privilege thing, riiiiight!!!!!!

    Jack, here

  15. Well done Dip - a literary hole in one. Cheers from Downunder.

  16. Good post, Dip.

    I like racism as little as the next man (my sons and granddaughter are interracial), but I get so p.o'd by the white bashing which seems de rigeur for the progs. I've used some of the same arguments you put forth when someone gets into the "kick whitey" mode--especially since it was "white people" (I'm accepting Middle Easterners, which all Jews were back in Bible times, as white people) who gave us the idea that there's only one human race.

    Besides, back when I was teaching in Taiwan, I lived in communities that were mostly Hakka (Kejia=客家). Those folks were pretty ethnocentric themselves (and sometimes with good reason), and had such elan that even the mostly Hokkien with a dash of Malay Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore wanted to be one. In any case, I managed to win acceptance among them and married one. Perhaps it helped that I appeared among them already knowing how to speak and read Mandarin, and learned a little of their dialect, too (yes, I was on Taiwan's equivalent of a Green Card, since I had a job and needed to stay more than a few months).

    As for WD's spreading all over the world, the Northern Chinese, Mons, Khmers, and Dravidians are probably the only people with high, urban civilizations who can argue that they inhabit the same lands where their Neolithic ethnic and cultural forbears lived. Everyone else is on colonized territory.

  17. if Elizabeth Warren can be Cherokee, Rachel Dolezal black, Bruce Jenner a woman, Al Sharpton a Reverend, and Donald Trump a Republican

    Hilarious, Diplo!

  18. One of the whitest "white dudes" I never knew was a Chinese gentleman from the PRC who was my graduate student office mate. We had a great time at the gun shows and car culture, but he was always concerned his wife would denounce him when he got back to China. The similarities to today's white dudes are marked. (He finally managed to immigrate had as far as I know lived happily ever after).

  19. Another great post. Every time I read your weblog (more and more often as of late) I get an education. The stories about when you were in the state department do remind of the Retief series by Kieth Laumer though.


    1. Lauder must have copied me . . .actually, just about everybody in the FS has similar stories

    2. hmmm...
      Alexander Hamilton's biological father was Jewish his mother may have been Jewish.
      Hamilton did receive some Jewish education and could read and write Hebrew.

    3. I am not sure about the Jewish connection to Hamilton. His father was a Scot and his mother not sure what she was except that she seems to have been partly Huguenot. He was friendly with many Jews in the Caribbean and in North America. I know that some anti-semites who don't like his promotion of a strong federal government and bank have added the Jewish "charge" to their complaints against him.

  20. Your last paragraph contains what should have been your headline. White Christian Dudes. In fact, I would be rather picky and say White English Christian Dudes. My own belief is that language frames the way you think. I would think the USA would be rather different if it had been settled by Germans.

    1. Before we get too hard on the Germans, I'm of the mind that the Calvinist element--not simply English--had a powerful impact on our ideals of limited government and the political supremacy of law. Another part of it was the federalist ideal, which was the marrow of English Puritanism and Socts Presbyterianism. One who translated the idea into politics, and was influential on the Scots Covenanters and English Parliament men in the 1640's, was a German by the name of Johannes Althusius.

    2. My point wasn't that the USA would be worse if settled by the Germans - just different.

    3. The book, "America 3.0," by Michael Lotus and James Bennet, who wrote "Anglosphere," has a whole section developing the concept that family structure began with the German/Saxon line which then migrated to England. It's an interesting book.

    4. Let's not forget the heavy influence of the Dutch (I'm descended on one branch).

  21. About the "conversation" part. Living in St. Louis, I have heard that on the radio and TV many times since last summer; enough that I have come to understand that it is progressive code language meaning "to lecture, without question, interruption, or any other form of dialogue." Progressives often disguise what they mean, and seem to regard crafting a well hidden agenda as a mark of intellectual superiority.

  22. Another excellent post, Mr. Amselem. This is a terribly difficult topic to write about: the electrical potential regarding race is so super-charged that it is almost impossible to raise your hand without being struck by lightning. There are unspeakable truths that nearly everyone knows, nevertheless, to be true; the cognitive dissonance required for our culture to suppress them has reached a point of almost unbearable tension. It is only by speaking them as charitably, and as honestly, as we can, while being as clear as we can that our intention is not to provoke, that we can begin to discharge this dangerous potential without touching off an explosion -- an explosion that surely will come if, in fear of the rewards of heresy, we say nothing.

    Well done, sir.

  23. Have been mulling this post over the past couple of days. What is to be done? Obviously there's a gap that leftism is managing to exploit. We have a sub-culture in america that, unlike most other immigrant subcultures, was forcibly disjointed from its ancestor culture. As a result, there's a significant population that's basically trying to "make it up as it goes along". While that might've worked in some contexts, with leftism and Hollywood competing to hijack any progress this culture might make on its own, there's little chance for success.
    How do we strengthen the *people* in these subcultures that typically fall prey to the oppressive yoke of leftism?
    This isn't any other migrant subculture that melds into America by choice of immigration.

    - reader #1482

    1. meant to say every other immigrant culture melds into america by choice.

      - reader #1482

  24. Diplo, you are selling yourself short. Alexander Hamilton was Jewish.(naturally, what else would you expect from the founder of ythe first fed ;-) ) So us Jews are even partially to blame for American revolution

    1. The only thing that makes me think he might have been Jewish was that he was lousy shot . . .

    2. A surgeon I know calls himself a "Jewish mutant" because his investments are so poor. Good point.

  25. Well at least we a pretty sure Hamilton was a white dude.
    For what it is worth:
    Alexander Hamilton was born on the British island of Nevis, in the West Indies, on January 11, 1755. His mother was most likely Jewish, and his father, James Hamilton, was a non-Jewish Scotsman descended from the House of Hamilton in Ayrshire, Scotland. In the 1760s, Alexander attended a Jewish school in Nevis, which was housed in a synagogue in Charleston, the island's capital. The local Anglican school was not an option for Alexander, because he was a bastard in the eyes of the church. His mother, Rachel, had never divorced her first husband, who was also Jewish, and her union with James was therefore not technically marriage, making Alexander illegitimate.

    1. I looked up some info about Hamilton, and what I got was that his mother was of partially French Huguenot descent; his father a Scot. Religiously, he was a conventional Presbyterian in youth, something of a Deist in the revolutionary era, pro-Christian in later years, and communed as an Episcopalian after being mortally wounded by Burr. However, he was tutored by a female Jewish schoolmistress during his Caribbean boyhood, and could recite the Decalogue in Hebrew. In later lie, while urging a Christian constitutional society in 1802, he was known to be impatient with Jew-baiters, whom he saw as striking at the foundations of Christianity, and enjoyed friendly relations with Jews.

      As for his not having formal membership in any church in his later years, I wouldn't make much of that, either. Church membership requirements in the 1700's were so stringent that they'd qualify you as an elder or deacon today.

      But I haven't found anything suggesting that Hamilton had Jewish descent. As for having a mother named Rachel, that is hardly surprising given that Christians--especially those of the Reformed tradition-- of every nationality drew on both Old and New Testaments when naming their children. Note that the man who ultimately killed him bore the name Aaron!

      Sure, the Jews contributed their fair share of WDWMPC (White Dudes who made positive contributions--and count the likes of Drs. Carson, Carver, and a number of others as BDWMPC); but I think it's a bit far-fetched to point to Hamilton as one.

  26. What a well-reasoned and argued submission.
