Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Thursday, July 18, 2024

A New GOP? Maybe

I have been glued to the TV watching the Republican National Convention. These things can be boring and irrelevant, but, I think, I hope, there is something very different and even exciting with this one. I think, I hope, that we are seeing the birth of a new Republican Party. 

Before I go on, let me acknowledge that I have been wrong before. I had high hopes for the TEA Party and its populist message to transform the stodgy the GOP into something more in touch with the people being hurt by bipartisan economic policies which were hollowing out our industrial base, and bipartisan foreign policies which produced only war after war-- overwhelmingly fought by the very people clobbered economically. That didn't happen; the TEA Party got absorbed by the GOP and faded, with only a defective smoke alarm-like chirp heard every so often in the background. The Republican party, what passed for a conservative party in the USA, remained hardly indistinguishable from its nominal rival, not unlike the British Conservatives vis-a-vis Labour. The West went all in for the "globalist vision" which destroyed Western industry in favor of China's, and now destroys the very basis of Western culture with its promotion of unfettered "immigration"--invasion, really.

Like the Tories in Britain who could find no replacement for Margaret Thatcher's leadership, our TEA party got lost becasue it had no national leader, nobody who could galvanize us into action. It had nobody who could take on the globalist infrastructure and withstand the abuse, the violence, the economic stress, and the "lawfare" that would get thrown at him or her. Those of us of a conservative bent, appalled by what we saw, had to settle for the tepid conservatism of the GOP here, or of the Tories in Britain--a conservatism that in the end conserved next to nothing, if not, in fact, nothing. 

In sum, there is--Surprise!--a role for leadership, and sometimes it emerges in the oddest places.  In our case it came from Donald Trump, a billionaire real estate developer and--Horrors!--a coarse-talking, reality TV star. Many of us laughed at him, saw him as a distraction, and just wanted him to go away, and let us elect Jeb Bush. I was one of those. I was very wrong. Trump saw the malaise and confusion sweeping over our country; he could see where the globalist elites were taking us. Maybe because of his background in construction, and long association with blue collar workers, he understood the mood and anger of the forgotten country. He began asking long-forgotten questions which can be summed up with, "Why do we have to do this, this way?" 

We all know what happened. Trump demolished the line-up of approved GOP establishment candidates, and went on to take-down the despicable Hillary Clinton. The media hated him. He didn't care; he was Rhino not a Rino, with thick skin and incredible energy. Once elected, he suffered repeated attacks which you all know; he made newbie mistakes, the biggest one was trusting other Republicans, e.g., Paul Ryan, Mike Pence, and despite an amazing economic boom and highly successful foreign policy, got taken down by the COVID scam, the Russia Hoax, and, quite likely, some, ahem, creative vote counting in the  2020 elections. 

But he's back, and this time he's not making mistakes. The establishment types, again, are trying to destroy his reputation, his wealth, his freedom, and making it clear that he needs to be stopped by any means. They, at a minimum, created the atmosphere for the attempted assassination--one in which Trump showed incredible bravery. None of this has worked out for the establishment.

As we can see on our screens, MAGA has taken over the Republican Party. I see the choice of J.D. Vance as an inspired one, which augurs well for the future of a MAGA GOP. I had a friend, of sorts, write me and say that it was very unusual for a former Republican President George Bush, and a former GOP standard bearer,Mitt Romney not to be invited to speak. Exactly. This party is not that party anymore. Those people can go speak at the Democrat convention, well that is, as soon as the Democrat circular firing squad runs out of ammo and we see who is left standing. 

Maybe, just maybe, we are witnessing an historic AND positive event. 


  1. The Russian frame-ups didn't work. The vote-stealing exercises worked but only temporarily: he's back again. The lawfare cases didn't work. And now assassination has failed.

    What's next?

  2. Great Post!!! AMEN!!

  3. Would like to see more of you! Really miss the commentary.

  4. Very surprised to see you post without mentioning the attempted assassination of a former US President. As the days have passed and the SS offers up excuse after lame excuse it has become obvious that not even incompetence could explan the events of last Saturday which are much more likely explained by malice. Your thoughts at some point on this despicable event in US history would be welcomed.

    1. They, at a minimum, created the atmosphere for the attempted assassination--one in which Trump showed incredible bravery.

  5. I pray that Trump wins in November but I also fear that another assassination attempt will happen. I think the RNC should hire private security since the USSS failed in their responsibility. Trump survived by incredible luck.

    1. I think the next incident will come soon. I figured before the convention finished. If not, between now and inauguration. I hop for better Secret Service response and continued good luck. God be with Trump!
      ~ Doctor Weasel

    2. Seems pretty obvious to me that trump has to manage his own security. Secret Service protected Trump about as effectively as that floating pier delivered aid supplies to gaza. Both were failures, and both were bordering line intentional failures.

      - reader #1482

  6. There was a shared assumption that liberalizing trade would result in interdependence and interdependence would result in peace and liberalization of the PRC. That was motivated reasoning due to the lining of political pockets with PRC-pilfered dollars. But GWB was a pretty good President. GWB was pretty much forced into Afghanistan and he wouldn't have won reelection while Saddam was still out there waiting for his turn at being-the-next-al-qaeda. He got snookered into no-child-left-behind, which ended up screwing over our future generations, but his original plan, had it not been severable, was valuable. As it is, democrats took out all the accountability, and gifted exclusive control over who-can-be-a-teacher to the teachers unions. And now we have a couple generations of mis-educated citizens. I feel this treads too deeply over republicans between reagan and trump... but otherwise, agreed.

    - reader #1482

  7. Love him or hate him it would be difficult to support an argument that Donald Trump lacks courage given his reaction to the attempt on his life. How the would-be assassin managed to get to his firing position without some law enforcement operative being aware of him screams a lack of operational proficiency that is breath-taking.

    As for the Head of the Secret Service words are insufficient to describe her unsuitability to hold the position.

    1. "without some law enforcement operative being aware of him"

      They were aware of him all right, it was just that they did nothing about him.

    2. Yeah, things don't square up... random attendees were informing police of his presence on the roof with a rifle a minute and a half before the shooting. It's unclear how that didn't resolve in 10 seconds. SS is trying to blame local police by claiming that the building was local police responsibility... but the SS is responsible for security of these guys full-stop regardless of how they want to delegate that responsibility. Come January there will be 'new leadership' for the organization, but it should be sooner.

  8. I was not thrilled by Trump the candidate, but I was, and still am impressed by Trump the POTUS. I shall vote for him a third time.

  9. Already the new versions of Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and Mitch McConnell are figuring how to wrap their slimey hands around the parties neck and slowly choke the life out of it.

  10. A real opposition party after 92 years of junior partnership? A party that actually represents the people, that has expressed beliefs that go beyond elections? I’m certainly tired of voting against the crazy Dems.
    I’ll be voting for someone and something in November, a novel experience.

  11. Certainly some of the old GOP are NeverTrumpers so good riddens totem, go join the Marxists.

  12. Boom.. Democrat plan comes out.... "avoid contentious primary" by elites picking their primary candidate.

  13. so who can challenge Kam-Allah for the democratic nomination? Nobody? Any restrictions? How about Donald Trump?

  14. I’m reading this while visiting relatives in Far Formosa. While Trump towers over the wee beasties and posturers of the Democratic Party, I hope he will develop more savvy about how dangerous and vengeance-seeking Communist China is.

    We need to also consider how to counter cyber threats, harden our grid, and overcome hypersonic capabilities by peer adversaries. We need a dollar on sounder footing. The job facing thev2d Trump admin will be huge.
