Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Monday, July 29, 2024

On "Weird"

Ah, yes, "Weird"

Ok, the word has gone out from DNC Control to all its minions and bots to refer to the Trump-Vance ticket as weird. 

Have to say it's quite breathtaking to see some outfit like Lincoln Project referring to anybody as weird, given their own history of "weirdness." Also quite amusing to see Congressman Swalwell calling somebody weird, given his own "weird" history of involvement with a Chinese spy, but I guess DNC Control doesn't narrow down its instructions to only the non-weird.

Let's play along. 

Has there ever been a more weird candidate for President than Kamala Harris? As a "friend" of Willie Brown, she slept her way into California politics, and became a disastrous prosecutor in SF. She padded her conviction numbers by getting thousands of black men locked up for smoking weed, while freeing murderers who murdered again. She barely won a seat in the Senate and then decided to run for Prez. In the end, of course, she participated in no primaries, quitting when polls indicated she would receive MAYBE 1-3% of the vote. In the debate of Democrat candidates, however, she called Biden a racist, but got picked by him for VP, anyhow, because she wasn't white, and was thought to be less crazy than weird Stacey Abrams. 

BTW, when I lived in California she promoted herself as Asian. Now, this woman who grew up in Canada in an Indian home, is suddenly black and was some sort of leader or participant--all very vague--in the US civil rights movement: that's "weird." Everything about her is weird.

As VP, she proved practically invisible; her staff was in constant turmoil, many noting that she was a lazy bully, who didn't like preparing for meetings. Biden, a lazy bully himself, made her Border Czar to address the disaster on the border created by Biden's own policies. She made a trip to Guatemala, issued some weird word salad statement, and did nothing more. The border continued to be a disaster. 

Her foray into European politics was also equally as disastrous and her inept and weird policy statements frightened our allies and emboldened Putin. Weird.

Now, she finds herself running for President, not because Biden resigned and made her President, but because some DNC power brokers decided Biden should not run for re-election, since he was going to get smoked, and the DNC needed a new candidate. No primary. No open process, just a weird coalescing around Harris because the Dem bench is very sparse. And, no they did not want to make her President now; they left poor mentally inept Biden in the office because he wasn't as weird.

She's a completely fake candidate around whom the power brokers are trying create an air of weird excitement.


  1. Can we all just agree to refer to her as Kamala W Harris?

    1. I refer to her as Kackling Kamala when I'm being polite and PG13. I have other terms for her when I'm going into R territory. ;)

    2. That "whole" should have an "r" instead of the "l".

    3. If she wins and I have to listen to her for 4 yr I’ll likely drink myself to death

  2. Actually I think it worth contemplating that the Dems have come up with three candidates in a row who are weirder than ol' Trumpy.

    Hasbeen Hellbitch, Brandon, and now Kamala W Harris. Quite a feat.

  3. This has been a disturbing decade.

    1. Mr. Badger,

      Concur, completely. Well said, sir. Thank you for saying it.

      It likely will become more disturbing.

  4. Is anyone counting the number of Democrat governors who have removed their name from consideration as her VP? Not an auspicious sign, I would say.

    1. "Disturbing" indeed Scott~~~!
      Hope & Pray that all our Governors, work
      non-stop, to insure a Free & Fair Election!
      In the meantime, expect all Americans are
      keeping their powder dry and,
      their muskets at the Ready~~~
      On Watch~~~

      "Oh you'll never be Blue
      in a Blue uniform~you're
      Free as the Flowers in May~~~"
      [Hand Salute Dip for keeping US posted!]

      "Let's Roll"

  5. Kamalama, Baby!
    Kamalama ding dong, hey hey
    You put the oooohh mau mau
    Back into the White House!
    Kamala Harris will not be the Dem nominee.
    ~ Doctor Weasel

  6. Kamala Harris may be three sheep short of a flock in the top paddock but it never pays to underestimate an opponent. History is full of examples of people/countries who have done so and come off second best.

    As President she would be a disaster but she is in the running

  7. Lloyd Billingsly has a great term for the Willie-Kamala relationship: poontronage.

  8. Her positions change so often…we now dub thee “Kamala Sutra”

  9. Whomever is driving the bus is rubbing our noses in the fact the people do not get to even choose who they vote for. And of course the votes don't matter.

  10. Should the anointed K win, many will shortly look back with fond yearning for the peaceful, free, prosperous Biden era.

  11. And yet, I don't hear any Dem voices protesting they're being hoisted with unelected, non-voted-for candidate

  12. If~Only~~~
    she had chosen
    Motherhood over
    Whoring around,
    the Bitch might
    have become
    a Mom, n' Po'
    Willie coulda
    stayed home
    and Sung,

    "Let's Roll"

  13. Now wee See England~~~
    & We've Seen France~~~
    All Pissing in their drawers~~~

    " Let's Roll"

  14. I can't comment on whether or not it's "weird" to have moved up in CA politics by dating Willie Brown. Kamala is certainly not the first person to have enhanced her resumé thus. But I have to wonder how meaningful an intimate relationship is if it is purely transactional, as hers appears to have been. And how petty Willie Brown was to have used his power to pay off a woman for intimacy. Which makes me wonder not if either of them was weird, but if either one of them saw their relationship as any more than quid pro quo. That speaks poorly for both of them, quite frankly. And cheapens their intimacy. That is what we should criticize her -- and him -- for. Not weird as much cheap and tawdry.

    1. "...Not weird
      as much (as)~~~
      cheap and tawdry."

      For sure Anon,
      'Cheap & Tawdry" defined
      them Perfectly in their,
      San Fran Freak Show Days~~~
      However, what oozes out nowadays,
      from the bowels of their soulless
      Communist beings, can only be
      described in full, as "Weird Shit"!
      And, "may the Elephant caress
      them with his toes"~~~
      "Let's Roll"

  15. Does anyone truly believe that Richard Levine and Bruce Jenner are as much women as the mothers who bore them? Asking for a friend, since, as a teacher in a liberal state, I'm all but legally obliged to say that they are.


    1. Can you refer to them as 'XY people'? Or are you required to lie and say that their 23rd pair is XX?

      - reader #1482

    2. Weell~~~my Learn~ed &
      Dip,Lo,Manic colleagues...
      Whilst doing some earnest
      genealogical research, and
      Consults with familial grad
      level MicroBio Scientists &
      Psych & Bio Teaching Profs~~~
      I've waited & hoped that one
      definitive 'DiploMad' Poster would
      sign on to answer in depth the thoughtful
      & provocative query raised by resident
      Scholar aka Kepha, and answered
      by dear -reader #1482's shorthand
      solution to the evocative social
      dilemma raised by the "Weird"
      Admiral & the other bad Actor~~~

      On Watch~~~
      "Let's Roll"

      Klinefelter's and
      Jacob's syndromes
      notwithstanding~~~ ];~)>

  16. So does anybody have coordinates
    for the Dipmiester? Wondering if
    he's across the Pond safe, or
    did that Frog from France set
    him up for a fall too~~~
    "Let's Roll"

  17. Uh Oh~~~ Weird... Weirder... Weirdest:

    THIS Must be A JOKE!
    Or is it the end game~~~
    Toward Nationwide
    Marshal Law~~~
    For openers?

    On Watch~~~
    Dive Dive Dive

    P.S. Happy Labor Day
    While you Still Can~~~
    Yours Truly );~[>

    "Let's Roll"

  18. AnonymousSeptember 4, 2024 at 11:55 PM
    Heh Anon you<
    FEEL LIKE Dancing~~~
    A~ring a dingy ding~~~
    "Life is but a Dream~~~
    It's what you make it
    always try to give
    don't ever take it,
    Life has it's
    etc etc etc
    There goes Summer~~~
    Gonna go Fishin
    Every Day ~~~
    On Watch ~~~
    "Let's Roll"

  19. Before I go tho~~~would just like to take
    a quiet moment to remember the Heroes
    who gave their all, to rescue the trapped
    Victims in the Twin Towers~~~
    Got home yesterday to find my
    wife in tears watching a re~run
    of the "60 Minute" coverage of
    the New York Fire Department's
    courageous efforts to Rescue
    the victims~~~wasn't too long,
    before I shared tears with her too...
    I believe the number of the dead
    NYFD Rescuers, was reported as
    343 souls, May God Bless Them
    for their Heroic Work & Sacrifices!
    I Pray the once Great NEW YORK,
    find's its way back to where it
    'once upon a time' belonged```
    On Watch~~~
    a Native Son,
    "Let's Roll"

    1. hear hear.
      Now we'll be subjected to Biden/Harris antics apologizing for and defending hamas... who danced in the streets on that day in 2001 ...

      - reader #1482

    2. hear hear.
      who danced in the streets
      on that day in 2001 ...
      - reader #1482

      Aye Aye~~~
      Roger that '1482'
      *Hand Salute*
      On Watch~~~

      "Let's Roll"

  20. Dip, Kamala Harris' sleeping her way to the top despite manifest incompetence is the new normal. Wear your weirdness as a badge of honor. --Kepha

  21. ..."way to the top despite manifest incompetence
    is the new normal. Wear your weirdness"... --

    YouYou, may be on to somethink K!
    Certainly, the latest *Weirdo Assassin
    in the News, does appear to be the
    Topping on the DemoRat Crap-Cake!
    'Cept he l@@ked a tad creepy in his
    Home Made: Old Glory Tunic~~~
    Prefabbed In Lithuania
    On Watch~~~

    "Let's Roll"

  22. There is only one war going on now. Russia's GDP is 10% that of China. Russia couldn't feed their own people without selling oil to China now. Almost 100% of iranian oil exports are to China. Iran's GDP is 1% that of China. Iran has no other economy.
    Every missile, bomb, bullet or drone that hits Israel or Ukraine is paid for by or manufactured in China.
    We are sleepwalking through this war, waiting for it to hit our doorstep.

    - reader #1482

    1. ..."We are sleepwalking through this war,
      waiting for it to hit our doorstep."
      - reader #1482

      If the Head Count of the CCP combatants
      who Kamala & Wals have invited across
      our Borders, is anywhere near accurate,
      they're already on our "doorstep" #1482!

      As for the rest of the traitors within, or out
      to include, the 'home grown Rats & Rinos"!
      I'm wishing, hoping, practicing, and
      praying too, that Millions of real
      Americans & Brothers in Arms
      have those declared enemies
      in site or, on scopes, & are
      Ready, Willing, & Able, to
      Defeat USA enemies,
      be they Foreign,
      or Domestic,

      God Bless America

      "Let's Roll"
      As Necessary
      If or When~~~

  23. Well! didn't think the lil' girl's
    "Trump" was so offensive,
    as to be yanked from the
    commentary! After all
    she presented as a
    Trump Fan, IMHO?
    Anyh@@t sorry to
    hear about the
    Damage done
    by Helene to
    the "Biltmore"
    and Chimney
    who's playing
    with Weather,
    as we close on
    Election Day?

    P.s. Pray Dip & Fam
    have weathered the Storm~~~

    On Watch~~~

    "Let's Roll"

  24. Viz the VP Debate, If anything,
    it seems, to this casual observer,
    that Trump's VP has the metal to
    kick Tampon Tim's suppository back
    to where it came from ie: the CCP pile, &
    OR 'Floyd's Pharmacy of Make Believe' CRAP...
    Similar to the amalgam con-cocked by the TWO

    I do so Declare:
    On Watch~~~

    "Let's" Roll"

  25. mexico is suing US gun manufacturers.. yet mexican paint mfg's get compensated by the US for having the 'lead-based paints' excluded from the US market... why aren't US gun manufacturers being compensated for being excluded from the mexican market over similar 'safety concerns'?

  26. "... why aren't US gun manufacturers being compensated for being excluded from the mexican market over similar 'safety concerns'?

    iE cARumba~~
    & rotsa ruck Jose
    go piess~in you
    red paint amigo...
    "ret's roll"

    WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court said Friday that it will decide whether Mexico can try to hold U.S. gunmakers liable for violence caused by Mexican drug cartels.

    Mexico is seeking billions of dollars in damages and new gun control measures in the first suit by a national government against the gun industry.

  27. Israel has a choice... go after Iranian nuclear facilities, or go after Iranian oil facilities... oil is the problem... cut off oil, and the iranian nuclear problem dies of financial starvation... and 40% of the iranian economy implodes... with another chunk as follow-on... choice seems clear... reduce iran's oil capacity to a trickle.

    - reader #1482

    1. The world awaits the results of our election.

    2. "choice... go after Iranian nuclear facilities,
      or go after Iranian oil facilities..."~~~ necessity, #1482, that
      Your target, choice selection, is
      limited in this discussion~~~
      I suspect tho, that Iran,
      will push it toward the
      abyss if China allows?
      W/Trump on the Helm
      tho, the CCP may limit
      Iranian methodologies,
      In My Hopeful Opine~~~
      On Watch~~~

      "Let's Roll"

    3. would be nice... I don't know much, but I'm quite certain Xi has little respect for Harris.

      - reader #1482

    4. "...nice..."Roger your last, #1482,
      indeed it could be so~~~
      re: x'RESPECT' concur your last!
      Saying a prayer the Donald keeps
      on 'quack'n und dodging lead~~~
      Happy Columbus Day...Y'all


    5. AnonymousOctober 10, 2024 at 8:01 PM
      The world awaits the results of our election.

      AMEN Anon!
      On Watch~~~

      "Let's Roll"

    6. Anonymous October 12, 2024 at 3:53 PM
      ...quite certain Xi has little respect for Harris.
      reader #1482

      ...The Plot Thickens, Amigo~~~
      On Watch~~~

      ..."BYD was scouting three locations for a car production facility in Mexico but has stopped actively looking for now, several of the people said, asking not to be identified discussing information that is private.

      The postponement is largely because BYD would prefer to wait and see the outcome of the race between former US president Donald Trump and vice-president Kamala Harris in early November, the people said. They added that BYD’s paused factory plans may still be revived or could change, and no final decision has been made.

      According to the article, the postponement is purely because of the US election. One candidate will give them the green light, while the other won’t. Kamala’s already practicing. Right now, GM is cozying up to China and twisting the knife in our backs even deeper. They’re manufacturing their Buick Envision and Envista SUVs in China. Tens of thousands of these vehicles roll back into the US without a single penny in tariffs. If that’s not a prime example of screwing over the American worker, we don’t know what is.

      You gotta wonder if it might be better for President Trump to actually show the American people exactly how big and expansive these new Chinese plants are....~~~

      "Let's Roll"

  28. “Where have you gone Joe DiMaggio
    Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you"

    That's you DiploMad. With all that's been going on since your last post, nearly 3 months ago, we, your loyal reads would LOVE to read your insight as to our current national situation and the worldly implication.

  29. Probably banned by the deep state til after the election.

    1. My guess is, they all was too
      scarit to Rumble with a Ret.
      FSO & not knowing who he
      knows? Never can tell who
      in the bowls, of the deep~
      darkstate knows whom?
      May be even Ms Cheney,
      Garland's Chief Bimbo,
      for the J6 farse, hell...
      Look what they did to
      get Steve Bannon etc.
      into the hole till the
      2024 Election is
      Mort aka Fini~~~
      Smile! it aint over
      "till the Fat Lady,
      Sings" Key in G~~~

      "Let's Roll"

  30. ~~~reveille revile~~~
    In case the worry~warts
    don't know it yet, Dip's
    near as entertaining, as
    Trump's Pal, Elon, over on "X"...
    DiploMad's one-liner "Knockout
    Punches"of the "Weirdos"
    serves equally as well,
    on the Creeps, sniffing
    Camela's Trail stank &
    Calling it Perfume~~~
    overthere on the left--->


    "Let's Roll"
