Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Biden: Good-Bye and Good Riddance

As of this date, we have heard only via a post on X/Twitter which contained a letter supposedly written, signed, and sent by "President" Joe Biden, in which he declines to participate in the forthcoming election. A few minutes later, we saw a rushed post, again on X/Twitter, saying that, yeah, he endorsed Kamala Harris as the Democrat nominee. His "letter" gave no reason as to why Biden had sought not to seek re-election, but also made clear "his" intention to remain as President until January 20,2025. As I stated, as of this date we have heard nothing further from Biden: no press conference, no official statement from him, nothing. 

His official program for the week remains blank. Where is Joe Biden? Last we knew he was at his beach house in Delaware recovering from COVID. Does he know that he is not seeking re-election despite his endless assertions that he was "in it, to win it," and that he sought "to finish the job"? Do we have a President? 

His party minions appeared on our TVs up until this past Saturday, assuring us that Biden was fine, that he was running for re-election, and looking forward to his next debate with Trump. Now, no more. Well, you never know: he might wake up from whatever Jamba Juice cocktail they have him on, and he will appear vowing to run for reelection . . . 

This all seems very Third World, or, more accurately, like some "Godfather" sequel in which the old man is handed a letter by "the Bosses"and told to sign if he knows what's good for him and his family.

The DNC shills and bots on X and other social media immediately, in good Orwellian fashion, began praising Biden for his patriotism, selflessness, etc. Why? As noted, he never stated why he was stepping away from the campaign. Medical? Who knows? If I had to hazard a guess, the bosses, e.g. Obama, Schumer, Pelosi, looked at the polls and realized the Old Fraud was heading for electoral disaster, maybe one too big to rig, and was threatening to take with him lots of the down ballot. The Democrats were facing a disaster. They had to get Biden out of the way, and try something new even at this late date.

I hope he's gone. 

He was a horrible President, the worst in my lifetime; he posed a serious threat to the USA and to the West. His policies were disastrous, from his open borders to his coddling of the Iranian regime, the absurd withdrawal from Afghanistan, and lots in between. He was a despicable human being with a long track record as a liar, fabulist, plagiarist, promoter of dangerous hoaxes (e.g. Russia interference, "fine people on both sides," bleach injection, "suckers and losers"), a jailer and censor of opponents, bully, sexual abuser, racist, pedo, thief of government documents, and money launderer. He headed a large criminal family which got wealthy thanks to him and his "public service."

Good-bye and good riddance.

Oh and Kamala Harris, who seems to be in the lead for the nomination? She's another fraud who helped cover up whatever was going on with Joe. Another despicable human being. 


  1. She ran San Francisco's prosecutors, how's crime in san francisco after her? She ran California's prosecutors, how's crime there now?
    The situation in California is extremely bad. The impression of California in the midwest is just as bad or even worse.

    Such an odd name, what is the etymology of it, is it from 'Kam Allah', arabic for 'God bless you'?

    1. "Kamala" is a common Indian/Hindu/Sanskrit name that means "lotus flower". And unlike how many, detractors and fans alike, mispronounce it, the accent is on the first syllable, same cadence but not quite rhyming with Pamela. The male version "Kamal" is maybe not quite as common.

      Many western followers of the Yoga/Hindu traditions were given Sanskrit names by their gurus. Every ashram had a Kamala.

  2. Who cares the reason. We're rid of a senile, ignoramus and habitual liar who not only was inept but incompetent as well. As far as Harris? She's Biden lite.

    1. A box checker and DEI VP

    2. She's as incompetent as he is. However, her brain works. It's a smooth brain, but it does function.

  3. Spot on, as usual. What a crazy time we live in, where it seems to be no big deal for the sitting president to decline to continue his campaign for God know what reason AND he has yet to show himself so there is open speculation about whether or not he is still alive. Crazy.

  4. I’m not a handwriting analyst but the signature on “Biden’s alleged I Quit” letter differs in several visible details from his most recent alleged signatures. I won’t bias you if you care to put them side by side and decide for yourself. Parkinson’s or forgery?

    Former Goldwater campaign worker

  5. It would have been a treat to be there when Biden woke up from his nap and was told he was no longer President.

  6. Pretty much everything that Biden has touched became FUBAR.
    However he is a good family man, in that he gave every member a piece of the action via their LLCs.

  7. I almost feel bad for Kamila. Almost, but not nearly. She's been setup to take the L virtually everyone sees coming in order to try to salvage at least some of Congress, as doubtful as that outcome is with her at the top of the ticket. On the flip side, Joe (in his few lucid moments) and Jill will make sure every Democrat machine Hack's knife is pointed right at her back. Not only that, but after this, I suspect Joe will make sure more than a few DC skeletons (both parties) that were thought safely buried in various closets dance Michael Jackson's Thriller this All Hallow's Eve. Payback will be a B!t@# and it will likely be as contained as your average cluster munition. Joe no longer has anything to lose.

  8. He has always been a small craven animal, a pimple on the @ss of the Senate. And after he started the road to dementia, A pResidential Puppet for Team Obama to lead around like a cranky dog on a leash. He deserves the crass and vain abuser he calls his wife.

  9. A&W~~~July 22, 2024 at 6:53 PM
    "She's as incompetent as he is.
    However, her brain works.
    ~~~a smooth brain, but
    it does function"~~~

    [I'M Told She's Even Better, Now,
    that a nice Yung Yewish Boy,
    has tickled her Fancy Fanny~~~
    "Lets Roll"

  10. I predicted day 1 he wouldn't finish his term, and yes know that means The Word Salad Chef would move into the Oval Office.
    Frontpage Mag has done its homework, she is a dyed in the wool Cultural Marxist

  11. So, you think Biden edges out Obama and Jimmeh Cah-duh as worst pres in your lifetime? While Carter was a man you’d like for a neighbor, he was dreadful POTUS; Obama’s one saving grace was that he is a fundamentally lazy man.

    1. ...Obama’s one saving grace`was
      that he is a fundamentally lazy man.


  12. Ah, the curious incident of the chef in the night-time.

    Whatever happened about that?

    1. A "curious incident"
      indeed, as usual, 'dearieme' !
      Here's the AP version, as told
      by a "Pal", who allegedly couldn't
      find him, when he fell off his Paddle
      Board into the deep Pond 3-4 foot &
      "later said to be near 7' where found~~~

      To Wit:
      Campbell went out on Edgartown Great Pond with another paddleboarder at around 7 p.m. Sunday. The 911 call was made at 7:46 p.m., shortly after he went under the water, Procopio said.

      His body was found about 100 feet from shore in the area of Turkeyland Cove Road, which is where the Obama’s summer home is located. And while the pond has an average depth of 3 to 4 feet, it was recovered in waters roughly 7 to 8 feet deep, Procopio confirmed Monday.

      “They were on the paddleboards for a short while before he fell in,” he wrote in an email, echoing prior statements provided by state police on the investigation. “After he fell in the other paddleboarder swam a short distance to where he had gone in and tried to locate him. When that was unsuccessful, the other paddleboarder swam to shore and ran up to land and located and told what had happened to the person who ultimately called 911.”~~~
      Sounds like the Press is also
      getting a head start lying for
      their newest favorite Bimbo
      candidate, aka, Karmala~~~
      All Hands on Deck~~~
      Let's Hear It
      for the 'rats, &
      their liars~~~

      "Let's Roll"

  13. Biden was flushed when Katzenberg, Hoffman, and the other big money people went on strike. Why are not the lefties all screaming about "Big Scary Money" buying the election?


  14. › article › 07/17/2024Donors’ cash is drying up, Katzenberg warns Biden in private ...
    Jul 18, 2024 · Katzenberg, one of Biden’s closest counselors and a conduit to moneyed circles in media and finance, told the president that major donors, doubtful of his ability to win in November,
