Good or Bad for the Jews

"Good or Bad for the Jews"

Many years ago, and for many years, I would travel to Morocco to visit uncles, cousins, and my paternal grandmother. Some lived in Tangiers;...

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamal Harris: How Fake Can You Be?

It seems that the woman, Kamala Harris, who slept her way to the top of California politics, and who unsuccessfully ran for President in 2019, while calling Joe Biden a racist, and who, later, once Biden got DEI'd into taking her as VP,  assured us that Biden was just fine mentally and physically--"sharp as a tack"-- and that he would run for re-election, has now succeeded in engineering herself into the DNC nomination via an extraordinarily undemocratic process which involved pushing aside the old zombie. Well, better put, her handlers have succeeded; they even dragged reluctant Dem party pols such as Schumer, Pelosi, and the Obamas into tepidly endorsing her. The Obamas (yes, plural) endorsement proved particularly cringeworthy, tepid, and reeking insincerity. It's, however, probably enough to get Harris the nomination at next month's DNC coronation convention.

Meanwhile, back at the Ol' Gaslight Ranch, the party elites with the invaluable assistance of the legacy media, and chunks of the tech industry, are busy rewriting her record. The same folks who told us how incredibly successful and consequential the Biden years were, now want you to understand that Harris had nothing to do the disastrous Biden years. "Border Czar"? No, she was never the Border Czar even though we all saw her get appointed by Biden as such on March 24, 2021. Sure the border is a disaster, not her fault, because she wasn't the Czar, but the border is secure thanks to her because she was. . . yeah, OK, George Orwell call your office. 

This is a candidate who openly called for defunding the police, supporting the BLM/Antifa rioters, decriminalizing border crossings, dissolving ICE, and providing illegal aliens the full panoply of public services, but who now says the 20 million or so who have entered the country during her rule as Czar, are not her fault, and besides they are a good thing, oh, and she wasn't Czar, anyhow. Never mind the murders and rapes, and look, there's a fake FBI crime chart to go with the fake economy charts!

Voters in Pennsylvania, I am looking at you, she repeatedly called for a ban on fracking and retraining energy workers in a new field. Now, as of two days ago, she puts out a statement saying she does not favor a ban on fracking: take that Greta! She also has called for an end to offshore oil exploration, and, if any of the states with offshore drilling become politically viable, she'll deny ever having said that. 

The Russians, the Chinese, the radical Muslims see weakness in the USA. Our allies, especially Israel, should be worried as it becomes evermore clear that nobody is in charge in this White House. The disrespect shown Netanyahu has been noted around the world.

Imagine how much worse it would be if  @elonmusk had not bought Twitter.


  1. Here's a few more choice tidbits from Cackling No Brains, Kamala Who “No Question” Wanted To End Fracking, Now Reportedly Changes Position

  2. Best hope is she keeps talking, in circles and down to 5yo she thinks we are. And to not serious venues like sorority sisters

  3. "I will not be silent on Gaza suffering."
    Oh you poor oppressed victim.... so many people pushing you down... you must be *so* unfortunate ... and you must be *so* bold to 'speak truth to power' when it costs you *so* much to 'not be silent'. Wait lady... you are the freaking VP of the USA. *Nobody* tells you that you can't speak your mind. What a fake.... even faking oppression now.
    "Yeah, THE MAN is keeping me down.... preventing me from speaking my piece.. because I'm just VP of the USA...."
    I just cannot believe the media and democrats follow this garbage.

    - reader #1482

    1. Communists, same as criminals, always play the "Victim! Fiddle" like a virtuoso.

      They all grew up poor in log cabins they helped their mothers build.

      Right out of a Thomas Harris novel, they feign 'Victimhood!' as a ploy to lure their prey.

      Of course, they're always 'oppressed', and can recite an endless litany of imaginary grievances for which they seek perpetual revenge.

      The Left is hate. Revenge is its pastime. Genocide is its legacy.

  4. "...cannot believe the media and
    democrats follow this garbage."~~~

    Tis the Communista way Brer #1482

    Just pondering, for openers, how DJT
    can & will neutralize 100s of 1000s of
    Chicom troops that BO/JOe/and Ms
    Mal (adaptive), invited into the US of
    A, to prep their Jig~Rig & Drill for
    Election Day Blues they can use...

    On Watch~~~
    All Hands on Deck
    "Lets Roll"

  5. The tech tyrants who've grown obscenely rich by producing illusions are throwing millions at her. Hollyred and the marxstream media are exerting themselves vigorously to conceal her history and rewrite a new bio.

    Should this one win the presidency, people will shortly recall the biden era with fond nostalgia, as a peaceful time of freedom and prosperity.

  6. You heard it here first (OK, probably not)
    Kamala will not be the Dem presidential nominee.
    No, I don't know who will be.
    ~ Doctor Weasel

  7. If she loses and goes away, there's always another one right behind her. There is an endless supply of Kammies and Joes.
    I wonder what it would take to stop, or at least slow down, the supply?
